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Posted in: Scary Things
03-07-2006, 2:52 AM
Clowns are scary....  [Read More]
02-28-2006, 8:05 PM
UMUB? I wasn't talking about you smon I was talking about kingcheez coz just because a few people don't like the show doesn't mean it stops the rest of the world from liking it....  [Read More]
02-27-2006, 10:49 PM
Your hate for fma isn't going to stop us from liking it thank you very much!...  [Read More]
02-27-2006, 9:03 PM
OMFG?! I LOVE FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST! It is like my fav show. DID you know that there is gonna be a movie I've aready seen it! it's GREAT! Feel free to ask me about I kinda wanna tell somebody. and don't worry nobody dies....  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm looking for something of psychonauts
02-27-2006, 3:13 AM
HEY GUYS I have come back I was gone for a really long time but I'm back now and I have a kitty just thought I'd share. well I'm off again *walks away*...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm looking for something of psychonauts
02-16-2006, 3:32 AM
PS2 it doesn't work on the computer. I would like help thank you anything to make me feel better I'm very sad....  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm looking for something of psychonauts
02-15-2006, 6:35 PM
Woudn't it be more easy if someone sent me some cutscenes? OH What ever I'm not doing any harm by making one little video it's not going to be world wide or anything. it's just a small video that I want to share with my family. so if any of you stil...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm looking for something of psychonauts
02-15-2006, 9:04 AM
Well I kind of thought you guys might help me with that I need them to go along with the lyrics to clint eastwood....  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm looking for something of psychonauts
02-14-2006, 4:39 PM
HI I'm looking for something again and NO it has nothing to do with Gorillaz. (well maybe it does a little) I looking for downloadable veasons of all the cutscenes I'm going to try and make a psychonauts music video. I'm hoping I could make a really...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dart Who?
02-14-2006, 2:54 PM
What they hated about dart was his hat they thought it looked more like his hair and that's way they got rid of him. poor guy....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dart Who?
02-14-2006, 9:30 AM
HEY I saw something on tv about the making of psychonauts they did all this work on dart and when they sent it in they hated dart and so raz had to take over. feel kind of bad for dart though....  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for something can you guys help?
02-13-2006, 8:25 AM
sorry about that guys it doesn't get out of hand heres something we can talk about. should milla and sasha get marred?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for something can you guys help?
02-12-2006, 8:05 AM
OMFG!?! did you guys know that gorillaz feel good inc is going to be on Kids bop9? Someone on my sisters LJ said that it sounded like they were saying something like *Shout on **** hand-in-hand* well one thing that we don't have to worry about they c...  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for something can you guys help?
02-11-2006, 9:38 AM
Hey yo So hope you guys can help me find something. looking for the feel good inc music video of the group gorillaz. I've tryed looking for it but had no luck so I'm hoping you might help. looking for it to be downloadable so I can play it on windo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tell me if this is weird
02-14-2006, 8:51 AM
Plus I had a dream like that too Really? let me know what happend in it. sounds kind of cool....  [Read More]
Posted in: Tell me if this is weird
02-12-2006, 8:10 AM
Um okay then so about my dream do you think it means something? I've had other dreams that were psychonauts but those were right after I played the game all the way through and they were about a psychonauts2 and sasha and milla were dating and kissi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tell me if this is weird
02-09-2006, 11:51 AM
I had a weird psychonauts dream it was like a nightmare and you guys got to tell me if it's weird and that you might of had something like mine. me my sister and cousin were at some resturant and we met ozzie osburne but he was nice and he kept hugg...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rats! How to handle them?
02-11-2006, 9:59 AM
funny I would just wait for them to get right next me and then jump....  [Read More]
Posted in: Is there a way to gain back extra lifes?
02-14-2006, 12:51 PM
wonna know something cool that happend to raz on his last life? he was on the tower and fell off I thought he was dead cos he was just laying there but he got up and started walking. so after you lose all your lifes in the real world he gets then all...  [Read More]
Posted in: Odd Fanart
02-11-2006, 10:09 PM
I kinda feel bad for you that your so obsessed with a video game character that you want to kidnap him. I can probably make the true statement that you have never had a boyfriend because 'Raz will sohe up any day and we shall get married.' No offence...  [Read More]
Posted in: Odd Fanart
02-11-2006, 4:52 AM
Why are we talking about this? Let's make a separate thread. sorry but just saying it could be worse, but hey this isn't raz's felt it's the writer of these icky fanfictions. raz is way to cute to do something like that. (I say all of us fangirls...  [Read More]
Posted in: Odd Fanart
02-10-2006, 8:59 AM
Hey all I know is after I was done reading it I did play pysconauts but I didn't look at sasha the same way again. it's not the same way with raz we get fanart to make up for *THAT*. 8O FANART LIKE ODD'S MADES IT ALL BETTER!!! making raz look smexy...  [Read More]
Posted in: Odd Fanart
02-10-2006, 7:59 AM
Now don't be like that think of it this way it could be BOBBY&RAZ fanficiton and that's even worse....  [Read More]
Posted in: Odd Fanart
02-09-2006, 3:31 AM
I will be looking forward to seeing raz looking SMEXY then. Ah it's people like us that make the world hide in fear :twogun:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mashi's Psychonauts Fanart!
02-11-2006, 7:17 AM
But I'm a woman. Well yah I kind of knew that it's just an expressen. But still your art does kick psyconaut butt and I still think the cupid incident is cute for some weird reason.XD (oh and btw I just love your avatar it looks like a kitty verson...  [Read More]
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