Charged with flag-burning
Oslo police have pressed charges against Otto Jespersen and Kеre Valebrokk after the flag burning in the show "Torsdagsklubben" (the "Thursday Club" -Eagle). - I don't accept a fine. Then I'll rather go to court, Valebrokk says.
Published: 06. may 2003, 12:42
- Both are charged with violation of § 95, which is concerned with deregatory actions towards another state's flag. The case will be sent from the police to Oslo State Lawyer Assosiation one of the folloing days, says police lawyer Harald Bilberg, Oslo police district.
The police's stance has not yet been published, but from what [we] know, the police recommends punishment by fine.
Punishment for this violation vary from fines to jailtime up to a year.
The leader of TV2 (the channel that hosts the show -Eagle), Valebrokk, has the following comment to the charges:
- Det er trist at pеtalemyndigheten og TV 2 mе kaste vekk tid og penger pе en sеnn ubetydelig sak. Dette er ikke en sak е belaste rettsvesenet med.
- Does this mean you will accept the fine?
- No, I'll refuse for as long as I can, on principles. I hope a court of law won't be necessary, but if I have to, I have to, the leader of TV says.
Ole Morken in Otto Jespersen's management Stageway tell [us] that Jespersen is away and unwilling to comment.
- I reckon he has begun packing for jail, Morken jokes.
Surprised lawyer
TV 2s lawyer Theo Jordal says he is surprised over the charges.
- Yes, we are, in the light of the program's character and freedom of speech.[/b] I have a hope that the DA will look at the case differently.
If it comes to a court of law, the lawyer says the case has important principles.
- In our opinion, freedom of speech and human rights should have priority over an old law that's only been used twice before, Jordal says.
[b]§95 has been used twice before: Two men were sentenced to a $2 fine in 1933 for cutting out a swastika flag. In 1993 a demonstrator was charged with burning a flag, as well as kicking a police officer in the crotch. Ten years later Jespersen might be the third to be punished under this law.
It was in his TV-show the 13. of february that Otto Jespersen "accidentally" put USA's flag on fire during his finishing appeal on the Iraqi war.
Reverend Finn Henrik Larsen reported the burning of the flag to Oslo police.
Pеl Andreas Mжland
Marit Holm
Ken Rossland
Translation: D. Eagle
Source (
Some background information: Jespersen is the host of the controversial show "Thursday Club" that runs on the private Norwegian channel TV2. He has previously taken flak for being out of line in other "touchy" subjects. -Eagle.
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Personally, I say we send him to jail. What are your (especially the Americans)' reaction to this? True, we have freedom of speech, but this is a violation of a law and should be punished. Even if he indeed did have the right to do this, it doesn't make flag-burning right. So I say put him behind bars.