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Graphics Card for JA?

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05-05-2003, 5:19 PM
Well, to make a long story a little shorter, I bought Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb at the weekend. I hadn't really read much about it, I just thought it looked worth a go.

Only after installing did I discover that my graphics card doesn't do "hardware T&L". :mad: Obviously, this my own fault for not reading the min. req's, I accept this. :rolleyes:

Now, the real reason for my post: I've got a ATI All-in-wonder Pro card. Now I don't know a lot about cards, but, frankly, it does what I want. Namely it's got a video-out to my VHS, for when I'm making movies etc. Also, it runs JO a treat. Now I'm not about to change that for an Indy game, so I took it back and they were cool about it.

What I'm wondering is: How likely is it that JA will have the same min req's for video cards? Because that'd nark me big time.
I know that everything moves on and hardware spec's stand still for no man, but I reckon that to get a replacment card (with video-out) is gonna set me back quite a few quid. :(

Has anyone heard about spec's for the new game? I've been to the 'official site' but couldn't see and spec's there.

Cheers in advance, :D
05-05-2003, 7:42 PM
If u can play JO u can also play JA same engine
05-05-2003, 7:56 PM
probably will be a slight decrease in performance in comparison to jo, taking into consideration the heavy modifications being done on the engine.
05-05-2003, 8:11 PM
But it won't require Hardware T&L I think, since JO didn't... They can't just squeeze is super ultra turbo technology in such an old engine!
05-06-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by t3rr0r
probably will be a slight decrease in performance in comparison to jo, taking into consideration the heavy modifications being done on the engine.

Agree ... closer to SoFII level performance, IMO. That is based on mothing but playing both games, and readin some of the previews and interviews.

 Iblis Reborn
05-06-2003, 4:03 PM
i dont know how the specs for the game will be but from what ive seen most of the GeForce cards have the tv out
the asus ones have video in too but mines been a bit of a pain in the ass since i got it so i dont think that if you do get a new card it should be asus

ATI also has alot of cards with tv out and they are cheaper but id still go with a geforce

as long as you dont go with the newest ones it wont kill your wallet TOO much :)
 Sam Fisher
05-17-2003, 10:45 AM
I just got a All-In-Wonder ATI Radeon 9700 PRO last month.... so no worries.

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