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Black or White ??

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04-28-2003, 7:42 PM
or maybe mexican, asian or whatever. will you be able to choose your skin color in the game??
04-28-2003, 9:10 PM
i would hope so.
04-28-2003, 9:32 PM
I sure would like to have the option at least.:D
04-28-2003, 9:52 PM
I've seen pics from blue, pale and green twi'leks, so why not a RGB system for the clothes and skin color, in this way if you choose human you also may play as a chiss (turning skin color to be blue) and those redish guys wich species I don't remember.
RGB for All!!! saber, skin and clothes.
04-28-2003, 9:52 PM
This is from the magazine article...

There seems to be a few colour options, among other things. Whether that's skin colour or not...your guess is as good as mine... But I've seen different coloured Twi'Leks in some of those screenshots, so you can definitely change Twi'Lek skin colour.
 taekwondo joe
04-28-2003, 10:25 PM
they said there was over 2,000 plus veriations, so color probably fits in with it, and storm hammer, if that is the end version of the menu, it looks like JO's menue :(
04-28-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by taekwondo joe
and storm hammer, if that is the end version of the menu, it looks like JO's menue :(

Yes, I know. :( I hope they decide to change it prior to release.
04-28-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by StormHammer
This is from the magazine article...

There seems to be a few colour options, among other things. Whether that's skin colour or not...your guess is as good as mine... But I've seen different coloured Twi'Leks in some of those screenshots, so you can definitely change Twi'Lek skin colour.

stormhammer you are the best
 Iblis Reborn
04-28-2003, 11:44 PM
im hoping i can make the character look like me

that would be pretty sweet :D
04-29-2003, 1:02 AM
Does the menu really matter if all the functionality is there? :confused:
04-29-2003, 6:08 AM
Originally posted by Iblis Reborn
im hoping i can make the character look like me

that would be pretty sweet :D

I don't think that will be a priority, somehow. :p

Nevertheless...if you took up skinning, maybe you could do a self-portrait on one of the model skins.

Also...isn't there some place on the Net where someone will make a skin for you with your own face, or something? You have to send them some photographs, and they send you back a skin. I'm sure I read about that somewhere, but I haven't got a link, sorry. :(

Prime...I know it's a small thing in the whole scheme of things, but I do think the look of the menu is important, along with the functionality. As you said in the other thread, it would be good if they went for a JK style...
 Iblis Reborn
04-29-2003, 6:24 AM
im not talking an exact duplicate here i just want it to be similar
just enough for me to be able to identify with the model

if it came out and it looked exacly like my id be a little bit freaked out (they're after me again!)
paranoid? me?? never!! *looks over his shoulder*
04-29-2003, 1:10 PM
As for custom models, how would skinning work? In the game, you can change the colours, etc. for certain parts. How you you make a custom skin that would be able to have the colours changed in game?
04-29-2003, 1:24 PM
Originally posted by Prime
As for custom models, how would skinning work? In the game, you can change the colours, etc. for certain parts. How you you make a custom skin that would be able to have the colours changed in game?

That's a very good question...and I think it's one that only the devs can answer.
 Pedro The Hutt
04-29-2003, 4:07 PM
Well, to answer the original question, in the PC Gamer issue there are a few screenshots of a black human Jedi swinging two sabers about, so yup, black humans will be in for sure, so odds are high that asians will be optionable too.
04-29-2003, 4:23 PM
Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt
Well, to answer the original question, in the PC Gamer issue there are a few screenshots of a black human Jedi swinging two sabers about, so yup, black humans will be in for sure, so odds are high that asians will be optionable too.'re right. How on earth did I miss that one? :eyeraise: I think this is the one you're talking about...

And that's all I'm posting from that article. AFAIK you're allowed to use 10% of something. If I get any complaints, I'll take it down. ;)
04-29-2003, 4:36 PM
He has corn rows too, a feature also in KOTOR. :D
 Pedro The Hutt
04-29-2003, 4:43 PM
Yup, that's the shot I was referring to, and I also like the fact that he's wielding two different saber hilts, mmmm.
04-29-2003, 6:24 PM
nice pics really nice, y arent they at lucas
04-29-2003, 8:41 PM
Originally posted by Blademaster_109
y arent they at lucas
probably because they're exclusive shots for the magazine.
04-29-2003, 9:05 PM
Originally posted by t3rr0r
probably because they're exclusive shots for the magazine.


Hole in one, sir! that's why they call them 'Exclusives'. ;)
04-30-2003, 1:05 PM
Is this game going to let my character have a huge fro?? :)
04-30-2003, 1:37 PM
Originally posted by Prime
Is this game going to let my character have a huge fro?? :)

lol, I don't know about that but I am happy that we can choose our own skin's a good feature to have IMO.
04-30-2003, 1:53 PM
Can you imagine how many complaints they would receive if they didn't!
04-30-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Leemu Taos
lol, I don't know about that but I am happy that we can choose our own skin's a good feature to have IMO.

They might though there r 2,000 plus combinations to make ur charatcer.
04-30-2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by leXX
Can you imagine how many complaints they would receive if they didn't! Especially considering there are several black characters in the Star Wars universe.
05-01-2003, 6:56 PM
You're not batting too well on this forum there Blademaster. Three out of 5 topics locked; embarrassing.
05-01-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by CanadianSurfer
You're not batting too well on this forum there Blademaster. Three out of 5 topics locked; embarrassing. :D
05-01-2003, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by CanadianSurfer
You're not batting too well on this forum there Blademaster. Three out of 5 topics locked; embarrassing.

who the hell do u think you r?? i ask a lot of question, and i'm to lazy to go search google for stuff like non-linear.

EDIT Taos - Please, there is no need for that kind of language towards other users. This is your warning.
05-01-2003, 10:59 PM
whoah, easy Mr. 5-topics-locked
05-01-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Blademaster_109
who the hell do u think you r?? i ask a lot of question, and i'm to lazy to go search google for stuff like non-linear.

dude, it's called sarcasim
05-02-2003, 1:14 AM
Wait, I thought it was sarcasm ;)
05-02-2003, 1:47 AM
First off this thread better get back on topic. Next, please be respectful of your fellow members......nobody around here is perfect and sometimes people have tough days. I want to see some good reasons for keeping this thread open [meaning on-topic posts].
05-02-2003, 6:11 AM
I'd say this thread already has Leemu's warning and if I or another Mod Or Super Mod has to step in, we'll just close it, forward it to our little Admin section, and after a week, delete it so all posts made and points earned from posts are lost. and then go from there.
05-02-2003, 6:51 PM
Fine i'm sorry moderaters, u were right that day was hell. ne ways i don't think its necessary for them to have pruple, green, and some of those werid colors for so of the aliens.
05-02-2003, 7:06 PM
Ok then, Kit FIsto no longer exists, and neither does Aayla Secura. Because they are green and blue, which by default, are "weird colors". So thats why all colours must exist. Oh and don't forget our little friend Yoda, he is green, so does he not get a chance at existing because of his color.
05-02-2003, 7:54 PM
I said for some speices for yoda's it'd be normal to have green not prupal.
 Pedro The Hutt
05-02-2003, 10:31 PM
Well, so far the announced species besides human are Twi'leks and Rodians, both of which can be found in a green shade, and the Twi'leks can be found in basically... every primary color. and then some.
05-03-2003, 5:20 AM
Well look at Eeth Koth and Darth Maul, both are Zabrak, but Eeth Koth has the human tint of colour to him, where as Darth Maul has the black skin with the tattoos for his sith devotion.
05-03-2003, 6:45 AM
Originally posted by Andy867
Well look at Eeth Koth and Darth Maul, both are Zabrak, but Eeth Koth has the human tint of colour to him, where as Darth Maul has the black skin with the tattoos for his sith devotion.

Hey I didn't know that were tattoos! I though it was just *another* weird kind of alien species :D

Ah yes now I see it:

A pained look of bewilderment crossed Maul's tattooed face as death overtook him. His body fell into the melting pit, splitting in two as it tumbled into oblivion.

From the databank :D

About skincolor: wouldn't it be weird if you could choose all colors for all races?? Imagine a purl human, now that would be nice :D

But IF the Zabrak is going to be in there (I hope so,m although I keep thinking of the Zabrak as a real Sith race), they must have tattoos too!
05-03-2003, 1:48 PM
If that were the case, then a real Jedi master would be a sith, because Eeth Koth is a Jedi Master, whereas Darth Maul is a Sith Apprentice.
05-03-2003, 2:53 PM
Originally posted by HertogJan
But IF the Zabrak is going to be in there (I hope so,m although I keep thinking of the Zabrak as a real Sith race), they must have tattoos too!
most zabrak have some form of tattoo... this includes eeth koth.
05-04-2003, 12:42 PM
I think that allowing people to make their own characters is a great thing for multiplayer i hated it in JO when u ran into another u.
05-04-2003, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Blademaster_109
I think that allowing people to make their own characters is a great thing for multiplayer i hated it in JO when u ran into another u. Or get killed by Mon Mothma :)
05-04-2003, 1:04 PM
Originally posted by Prime
Or get killed by Mon Mothma

Yes, that was a little embarrasing.
05-04-2003, 1:07 PM
she was weak, the bot i mean.
05-13-2003, 11:12 PM
Is Darth Maul red with black tattoos or black with red tattoos? I never got a real canon answer to that...

Or are they all tattoos and he's some other color underneath?
05-13-2003, 11:38 PM
/\ according to EU, they're all tatoos...but we really can't see from the movies. Logically, though, no race could naturally be THAT black or THAT red.
05-14-2003, 12:35 AM
Well, look at Aayla Secura and how she is THAT green. so I'd say that he is Red with black tattoos, or I could be the skeptic and say that its all just make-up and that he is really peached skin. Or a slimy green with a really long tongue that he just doesn't show ;) (little X-men humor for you)
05-14-2003, 2:32 PM
Originally posted by Andy867
Well, look at Aayla Secura and how she is THAT green.

Aayla Secura is blue not green. ;)

I didn't think Maul was one particular colour over the other, I always just thought he was both black and red if you know what I mean.
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