Okay, if you insist... :D MIAC stands for the Monkey Island Art Connection, and it's currently dedicated to creating some sort of 'hub' for the Monkey Island community to learn and talk about art. Not fan art, but er... museum art. There's a new forum on
http://miac.mimayhem.com/discuss) - and I've already received some nice feedback on it:
I would like to comment on how you have turned MIAC into what appears to be an unholy and incredibly stupid website. What the hell does this have to do with Monkey Island anymore? I don't want to read pretentious views on classic paintings! I want to read sarcastically written pretentious views on incredibly bad pictures of Guybrush!
This has absolutely nothing to do with Monkey Island, I don't see why people are going to take it seriously.
So if you aren't going to believe me... you'll certainly want to visit the MIAC after reading this wonderful review.
*insert smiley with brown teeth here*