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Monkey Island - THE MOVIE!

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04-14-2003, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by EnchiladaMan
I like that top one alot. I also *really* like the SMI logo in the second picture. What program(s) did you use?

photoshop all the way. io really love that program
04-15-2003, 7:46 AM
Originally posted by EnchiladaMan
Maybe there could be a scene with Elaine searching for Guybrush when he was dunked off the dock after the thievery trial;

I'm nitpicking here, but I would shoot that one down. Part of the impact of that part of the game is the fact that Guybrush seems to be abandoned and forgotten by everybody, and having Elaine look for him would destroy that.

But yeah, love the posters, especially the one with Brendan Fraser. I myself would love to see a Monkey Island movie, and I'd love to help out. My brother and myself are interested in film editing... If we pursue it somewhere, perhaps we'd be working on the film? ;)

Ah, well, we can but hope. I think Dominic Armato's voice would have to be in there somehow for Guybrush, and Rachel Weiss would make an excellent Elaine. The trouble with Guybrush is that he's a surprisingly complex character. It's a fine line to walk, trying to keep Guybrush helpless enough to be lovable, but not enough to be annoying.

Just my two pieces o' eight ;)
04-15-2003, 8:16 AM
guybrush is an amazingly complex charcter because his character changes thorughout the games, he's a lot different in mi4 to mi1. let's recap

mi1, he's naive but a go getter, he want's nothnig more than to become a pirate and will stop at nothing to get there. he falls in love, a new experiance for him, he takes in the scene and doesn't seem to scare easily, but is easily dissapointed and not much of a leader.

mi2. with his first taste of victory, he is more headstrong, and **** sure (or is it the other way around? classic). he has his sights set out and he is calling for bigger things in his life. his goals are higher and his hair is longer (with more consistency). still a little naive and innocent, he has had a larger taste of life and wants more.

mi3. after being thrust into his next adventure, guybruhs wan't nothing mroe than to see the back of it with his near wife elaine. he has experianced life and just wants to get back home and get married. he can now take charge of a situation and is more of a leader, he is less annoying and more of a human being.

mi4. dramatic change as he devolves slightly to become a little more annoying and less of the independant go getter he once was.

see, very complex (not as complex as lechuck, but i won't go there now)
04-15-2003, 8:53 AM
Part of the impact of that part of the game is the fact that Guybrush seems to be abandoned and forgotten by everybody, and having Elaine look for him would destroy that.

Good point. I hadn't looked at it that way.
04-16-2003, 5:48 PM
Adam Sandler as Guybrush? urgh no way! Adam Sandlers not good looking. Guybrush has to be good looking! The film has to be for girls too. Boys will swoon over Rachel Weisz as Elaine and the girls have to swoon over Guybrush! This Guybrush shouldn't be a famous well known actor. He needs to be a newcomer. Take Star Wars Episode II. Noone had hardly heard of Hayden Christensen and he was an obscure actor. Guybrush needs to be the same. I still say either Hayden Christensen or Orlando Bloom for Guybrush if someone famous was to play him but i don't like the Adam Sandler thing. Can you do the posters with Orlando Bloom and Hayden Christensen as Guybrush? See how it looks. The posters are good by the way but with the wrong cast.


The Captains Daughter
 Das Mole
04-16-2003, 7:46 PM
adam sandler is a big no-no. he's too goofy. think about it. the guy from happy gilmore, big daddy, anger management, billy madison, and a bunch of other goofy hilarious movies as guybrush? too whacked.

and hayden christensen? blech! he makes me want to barf. he's too creepy. he's probably one of the worst actors on my list. i know he'd be good in a swordfighting thingy cause of the lightsaber and all that junk, but he tries to hard to act emotional. plus he's too overly idiotic to be guybrush. guybrush is only slightly idiotic.

orlando bloom is a good idea, though. he's much better of an actor than christensen in my book. plus, he's shooting arrows in the lord of the rings, why not use a sword? he's that type of actor that i think he'd fit into the character of guybrush way better. maybe just cause i hate christensen.

i'm sorry but now i have to go rinse my mouth out due to the putrid taste of saying "hayden christensen". great, now i have to wash it out twice.
04-16-2003, 8:15 PM
Das Mole: I laughed out loud when you talked about that starwars actor. Mostly because I agree. (made me want to barf during sw, tries too hard to act emotional, etc.)

and I must admit, I've never seen an Adam Sandler movie. Just previews. I'm not really interested in seeing any of his movies that I've seen the previews for, but somehow, I thought he kind of looked like the CMI version of Guybrush. In truth, I pretty much made that poster as a joke.

It would certainly ironic if Orlando Bloom could play Guybrush. I mean, he'd be the main character from a movie version of what Monkey Island was inspired by, and the main character of a movie version of Monkey Island. interesting. I'll work on another poster and see what it's like. *hastily opens Paint shop pro* ;-)

I wonder how Bloom would be in a comic role like Guybrush. In the game he has a goofy love scene with Elaine on the docks (if you don't make that your last trial). I wonder how he'd pull it off. That could be interesting.

Also, if he could be Guybrush, should he fake an American accent, like Hugh Jackman does for Wolverine? I think it'd be great either way. Hm, Guybrush with a different accent...that may be really neat.
04-17-2003, 12:12 AM
There. I de-bearded Orlando Bloom from "Pirates of the Caribbean," I also gave Rachel Weisz Elaine style poofy hair, and I used Neil Joshi's created SMI logo with a ghost of Lechuck just visible.
04-17-2003, 2:08 AM
Dunno about that elaine but the adam sandler over olando bloom is good ill download this photoshop and see if i can make one
04-17-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Captaindaughter
Boys will swoon over Rachel Weisz as Elaine and the...

i laughed out loud when i read that, i'm sorry but she was alright in the mummy returens, but in the mummy, umm, kinda, not very attractive at all :( . well, whatever.


look what i done.
04-17-2003, 1:36 PM
Ha, good one, but I'd get rid of the mustache. Though he did try a beard in MI2...
04-17-2003, 2:57 PM

What about Corin Nemic as Guybrush? He's a relative unknown. Uh, at least I haven't really heard of him other than on Stargate SG-1. He does a great job as Jonas Quinn and could possibly be a good pirate.

Oh, and the palm tree is one of my own sketches scanned in. :-)
04-17-2003, 6:58 PM
OK i looked at Star Wars 2 again and your'e right, Christensen can be a little OTT in emotion. Thanks for mocking my idea of boys swooning over Rachel Weisz. English men like her so thats what i thought. I'm not shirty though.

I don't know what American boys and Men like, I'm English and female. Barf? Goofy? What do they mean? I've never heard of these words as we don't say them in England. Does it mean stupid?

I really like the poster with the bearded face of Orlando Bloom as Guybrush. Without the beard he still looks lord of the rings which wouldn't work. I think he has to have the MI 2 look. Still hes English and hes lovely!! The girls here would definetly swoon over him!

I'm really glad Orlando is in the new Pirate Film. Does anyone know when its coming out?
04-17-2003, 7:43 PM
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl opens July 9. Get the full trailer at

(goofy=silly. barf=vomit)

Oh, and I think Rachel Weisz is cooler than a lot of the supposedly "hot" American actresses who get on my nerves a lot.

The more I look at the two first posters I posted on here, the less I like them. Except for Stan. I think Stan turned out well.

Check out some season 6 Stargate SG-1 episodes to see what I mean about Corin Nemic. good actor. good show.
04-17-2003, 7:54 PM
OK, actors aside, considering they'd probably be unknowns and all seeing by the time it's made all the original choices will be too old for the parts......
what else should be contained in MI films?

Should the films be based on all four games? Should they be based on Monkeys 1 and 2, but not 3 and 4? Should it go in a different direction after MI2 (IE, Ron Gilbert's ideas) for more adventures? Should they expand on the whole Guybrush turning into a kid thing and escaping Big Whoop at the end of MI2? What else?

...but please don't bring in the whole "Guybrush is/isn't dreaming Monkey Island" discussion. Most of the theories have been said and if you go into it, you'd just be repeating again and again what has been said many times before. There are still other forums for that.
04-18-2003, 12:09 AM
I think the entire plot ought to be new. I totally agree with Orlando Bloom as Guybrush... I think he could really pull it off. Rachel Weisz was great in the Mummy (one of my favourite movies) and the Mummy Returns, and I think she'd be perfect as Elaine. Of course she'd have to come across as much more indepedant than her character in those two movies, but I think she could do it.

*Opens up Photoshop and starts making his own little poster*
04-18-2003, 6:32 AM
ok heres my 2 cents i reackon lechuck = tim curry because his smile is soooooooo evil its not funny oh no change that to tim curry plays murray the evil skull yes im a genious and sandra bulloc should play elaine marley hmmmmmm but who could playlechuck then i dont know but yes orlando bloom should play guybrush well what do you think of those actors i know no one would beat tim curry as murray and you all know that even if you dont want to admit it as for the movie i think a new plot is neaded seeing that we all know the plot to the games but it should defietly include a rubber chicken witha puelley in the middle
04-18-2003, 11:20 AM
um, first of all, could you please use punctuation? It makes it easier on us all...

Sandra Bulluck as Elaine? Maybe, but I still envision her as being British. LeChuck and Murray can still be voiced by the voice actors from MI3 and 4 seeing as they will most likely be animatronics or computer generated characters. I think Murray should be done in sort of a puppet/muppet form as opposed to computer generated, that way it could look more realistic. (But it can still have movement around the eyes and stuff like it does in the games, of course)

I still think they should be about the three trials, perhaps very briefly, then about Elaine kidnapped, then the Largo Embargo and Big Whoop, and possibly about Elaine turning to gold. I don't know about EMI though. I think Ron Gilbert should be a consultant for any and all Monkey Island films, though.

There could and probably should be new side adventures added and some of them taken out for stories' sake. I mean, all the puzzles are fantastic for an adventure game, but for the movie that aspect can be simplified to an extent. We don't have to see him get the pot for the Fettucini Brothers, maybe not even the Fettucini Brothers at all, and we don't need to see the troll at the bridge. We also don't need to see him try to get bananas for the monkey to follow him to the Monkey head. he can just go straight to the Monkey head.

And maybe instead of Herman constantly popping up and saying silly stuff, they can have one or two longer chats. Two more weeks until summer for me and I can work more on scripting. When I finish, I'll post a link to all I have written.
04-18-2003, 2:51 PM
okay, first of all, i'm british, british man right here, you're preaching to the choir. and yes, rachel weize was a lot better looking in the mummy returns. i laughed at teh racheal weixe thing because the only pictures of her we could find for the posters were ones of her in the mummy (i don't think she posed for the mummy returns poster, they used the same picture). but i think the rachel weize we saw in the mummy returns would be the perfect elaine.

and orlando bloom, yeah, you know a few years ago wi wouldn't have even thought about him, but then a few years ago i didn't even know who he was so there ya go. he would be a good guybrush except for the fact that he looks the part but i'm not sure if he could play tehpart. the voice isn't guybrush enough, we need someone like David Spade (his voices is perfect and he has blonde hair, also looks good in a beard and moustach). or maybe jerry seinfeld, with died blonde hair, i think he'd be a good guybrush.

okay, stop me if i'm wrong, but Kevin J O'Connor (the guy who played Beny from the mummy) as Otis, isn't that just percfect (that or Kevin Kline).
04-18-2003, 4:33 PM
Kevin J O'Connor (the guy who played Beny from the mummy) as Otis, Yes, of course! I've been trying to think who would be a good Otis. Though I think he was suggested in one of the earlier forums several years ago and I just forgot.

I also remember us going through the whole "Mummy" cast for MI. I still think Erik Averi (the curator) could be a good Monkey Island character, but who? Maybe a SCUMM bar pirate (like the guy with the glass eye. almost looks like him).
04-19-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by CHRI5
Guybrush would be awesome played by Christopher Masterson of Malcom in the middle

Heres a younger version with long hair HAHAHAHAAHAHA:p
04-20-2003, 2:59 PM
eech. That picture frightens and confuses me. I hope that was a joke.
03-14-2004, 4:01 PM

I think it's about time to turn our dream into reality.
I've finished a screenplay for a MI movie. All written in Hollywood standart. It's 121 pages long.

I adapted the second game; I followed the game's storyline, used its dialogues and added a few scenes that weren't to find in the game.

Here is a link were you can read it:

Please read it and post you suggestions.
04-09-2004, 11:43 AM
Guybrush: Mark Whalberg
Elaine: Rachel Weisz
Murray: The Voice Of Mike Myers
04-12-2004, 6:05 PM
Whats up everyone?
I perosnally think, when i think of a Monkey Island movie, the movie would be based around the original monkey island (The Secret of Monkey Island).
My personal opinion of The curse of Monkey Island, and Escape from Monkey Island, the makers did great on their work on them, but to me, those two games didn't really catch my interest as much as The first two, and didnt follow my perspective on how I viewed Monkey Island. I didn't like the cartoony look. I liked the more grim look (if you know what i mean).

The art and set designes of the movie would be kind of dark/creepy at times, and of course similar to The Secret of Monkey Island, and Monkey Island 2: Lechucks Revenge. Like how The Matrix used dark greens, Monkey Island would use dark blues/purples for nighttime sets.

Director: I think the best director of the movie would be Steven Speilburg. The Goonies was good. The Indiana Jones movies are great too, very adventourous.

Guybrush: If the movie was based on The Curse of Monkey Island, or Escape from Monkey Island, I would say that the new Guybrush Threepwood looks and acts alot like David Spade.
However, if the movie was based on The Secret of Monkey Island, or Monkey Island 2: Lechucks revenge, I would say that Orlando Bloom would play a great Guybrush Threepwood. (That might be because I am used to him in Pirates of the Carribean: LOTBP). Maybe Martin Short. Either them or I am sure casting directors can pull out a good unkown actor.

Govenor Marley: ???

Smirk (sword trainer): Arnold Schwarzenegger

Fester Shinetop: Jesse Ventura

Stan: Jim Carrey.

What does everyone think on my ideas? Do they suck? Are they good?

04-12-2004, 6:16 PM
Here is a scene i found on this site a while ago.

"Monkey Island Movie Posted by CarlaComments: 0
If you ever wished for a Monkey Island movie, here's the start. A guy named "Dom" has produced a film, a students project for his university, which deals with the LeChuck-Bob scene from 'The secret of Monkey Island'.
Watch the Scummbar-hosted-movie:"
----(from the news section on

this is pretty good.
04-22-2004, 8:54 PM
What do you think, what parts from game would MI movie have? I think the original SMI would be the best choice.:deathstar :fett:
 Live Undead
04-23-2004, 11:48 AM
For my Film coursework I recently storyboarded a scene I wrote as the pre-titles sequence to a Monkey Island movie. It featured Guybrush fighting a captain and then a monkey dropped a melon on his head... ok well we had limited frames so I had to make do But I was particulary proud of how Guybrush looks through his journal as the camera fades in adn turns into the titles with Guybrush's drawings explaing the back story :D
 Live Undead
04-23-2004, 12:08 PM
pelzkragen, any chance of summarizing the new stuff you added?
05-10-2004, 10:08 AM
:guybrush: Orlando , Leo (Hearthrob type person i guess)
:elaine: Someone like pinks attitude (No nessacerily that but you get the idea, a young blod stong female type) but the looks of liv tyler
:lechuck: Brian Blessed/Tim Curry
Murray..You really cant get much better than the origanal voice
:stan: deff Jim Carry he could deff. Carry it off
:toothrot: Ok Ok I havent really thought of that but answers on a postcard!!!
Voodoo Lady...Woopie Goldburg

I cant think of many more of the top of my head but these probably would be the main ones. I like the idea of an animation too, Monkey island ala toy story!

I Know i cant spell im blonde ok!!!

Luv, MA
05-10-2004, 1:17 PM
If they did make a movie (which would be AWESOME!!!) I think it would probably come off better as an animated movie with the oringinal voices from the game. From the CMI game that is, I couldn't stand Elaines new voice in EMI.
However I like I_Cheeses actor choice fo Stan, I would love to see Jim Carrey take that part.
 smokes o' pot
05-18-2004, 3:36 AM
It just wouldnt no no no no
05-18-2004, 5:44 AM
Care to elaborate on that?
 smokes o' pot
05-20-2004, 5:13 AM
Ah not really no. I would'nt like to see it.
06-06-2004, 12:36 PM
MI is all i thought about when watching the pirates of the caribbeans movie :(
 Sgt. Pepper
06-17-2004, 11:23 PM
I think they should cut the funding for the next starwars movie and redirect the funding into a MI movie. ;)
 pirate boy
07-01-2004, 3:01 PM
When you look at the history of comic remakes like The Flinstones, Scooby Doo. The voices don't sound exactly like the tv shows but the actors do try. Like that Shaggy guy or Velma. (but ANYWHO)

I think what you could have live actors. Acting along CGI characters or puppets. Le Chuck would be a CGI buttkicker and that'd allow the original actor to play the voice.

OR what you could have is like in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow where there's the actors and everything else is completely CGI.

OR you do a Polar Express. Where the actors completely act out the entire movie they provide the voices but it's all in drop dead gorgeous CGI.

I would have to barf constantly if it was all done in Escape from Monkey Island graphics. NO
It wouldn't even be able to STAND on it's own two feet at the box office. Look at the top 10 grossing films of all time. All of them had massive special effects.

But I'd like to see George Lucas direct it. It'd be cool to have it filmed all at one time. And have escape from monkey island rewritten a bit. Have Murray a little more (i dunno really get some top notch humor in) That way you could have all the cast for all four and you wouldn't have to worry about people dying or changing Guybrushes.
07-22-2004, 8:47 AM
Hi im new to these posting boards but not new to monkey island i might add :)

My vision of gybrush come is the flesh and bone form of Topher Grace from 'that 70s show'. Hes skinny a little geeky and well dammnit youll just have to watch the show to se why hes perfect. He delivers his lines in such a comical should check it out an let me know what you think.

 Cosmo Jones
08-09-2004, 2:46 PM
I heard a while back about LucasFilm starting up some sort of animation studio, and that a monkey island movie was being tossed around as an idea due to the popularity of POTC, or something like that. I'm no sure if it was true or not.
 smokes o' pot
08-10-2004, 10:17 PM
I think that lad from Billy Elliot would be a perfect Guybrush. But then again I'm the type of person that thinks the monkey island series should have english accents. After all there were no americans when pirates roamed the seven seas, mostly english, french and dutch if my memory serves me well.
08-11-2004, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by smokes o' pot
I think that lad from Billy Elliot would be a perfect Guybrush. But then again I'm the type of person that thinks the monkey island series should have english accents. After all there were no americans when pirates roamed the seven seas, mostly english, french and dutch if my memory serves me well.

yeah, even still though, Billy Elliot (or whatever his name was). I dunno, i just can't see him doing the kind of comedy we get in Monkey Island. PLus, he's a lot older now right? I don't think he'd look the part.
 smokes o' pot
08-11-2004, 6:53 PM
Your probly right, I thought he'd make a good... bad pirate. He hasn't aged really, the little dancing fairy!

Talented actor all the same.
08-20-2004, 2:00 PM
ew no not the boy out of billy elliot, it should be an actor in his twentys, who looks ok with a beard (for possible sequals) i dont think animated monkey island would work, (the graphics arnt that advanced yet, except for final fantasy but that blew all its budget on effects but no story). I dont think the voices would matter to much, i think a reversed indiana jones is the best way to look at it, the fate of atlantis didnt have harrison fords voiceover! I would like to see a film loosly based on monkey island 1, icluding sword fighting, with insults, the circus cannon, maethook, the voodo lady, elaines mansion, and the army of the undead, but unlike pirates of the carrabian its rootbeer that kills them. The film should have a new title like GUYBRUSH THREEPWOOD : the curse of monkey island, Guybrush threepwood Vs the army of the ghost pirate le chuck. Monkey island : The movie, The Island of monkeys, or something better. Pirates of the carribian had so many monkey islandisms it was silly, orlando bloom was guybrush threepwood, but keira knightly wasnt much of a governer marley. I would like to see brian blessed in the film as well as harrison ford as hermin toothrot hehe yes that would be cool, ewan mc gregor as the sword master, lets be honest the best lucas arts films dont use famous actors, i think a cast of upcoming actors in the main roles would be the best.
08-27-2004, 9:09 PM
Guybrush Threepwood = (Orlando Bloom)
Elaine Marley = (Catherine Zeta Jones or Rachel Weisz)
Murray = (Denny Delk (original voice))
Voodoo Lady = (Whoopi Goldberg)
Carla = (Halle Berry)
Stan = (Jim Carrey)
08-28-2004, 1:32 PM
That pdf MI screenplay that chap wrote (further up the page) doesn't work. Couldn't mail it to could ya? ;-) thanks.

I'd be interested to see what thought make of it if there ever was a film... I for one would love to see the first game as a film.
 Rapp Scallion
08-28-2004, 2:30 PM
Orlando Bloom as Guybrush? I certainly don't think so.

1. He looks completely different
2. Playing pirate again in another pirate movie than Pirates of the Caribbean wouldn't work. His pirate character is whatshisname from PotC, and everybody connects Orlando Bloom as a pirate to that character. Just because he fits well as a pirate in PotC doesn't mean that he would work as Guybrush

Of all the suggestions, I think the guy from Malcolm in the middle is the best. I can clearly see some similarities beteen him and Guybrush (from the MI1 closeups). But I don't want him to be Guybrush in the movie.

Look at the MI1&2 front covers, and find someone that looks like Guybrush on these pictures. I have tried, but can't find anyone...
09-09-2004, 3:23 PM
Originally posted by Mullog
I like the idea of a movie where you get the choice of dialog.

they actually have movies like that, where the people in the audience vote for actions/dialogue

they just stopped making them b/c people would screw with the movie, and make the main character die early in the movie
10-09-2004, 2:15 PM
guybrush : "Rusty Jacobs" , didn't find a picture on the net...

... he is exactly the type of actor , with the exact look.

@edit : OK , he is too old . maybe he can play a small part in a scene , as guybrush is dreaming about his future with marlene together with his kids .

what about some actors from "parker lewis" , not as guybrush but as "Rapp Scalion" or "hermann Toothroot" or as "MONKEYS"?
10-18-2004, 11:52 AM
Actually, I think Frankie Muniz (Malcom- malcom in the middle)
might make a good Guybrush, since the movie should be about SOMI. If you look at the cover of SOMI, (Like Rapp Scallion said) and comare Frankie and Guybrush, I reckon there's quite some resemblence.

Frankie (
Anuva (
Comare with this. (
actually, this... (
10-19-2004, 7:34 AM
Nope, shouldn't be Muniz, but another actor from Malcolm In The Middle. Christopher Masterson (,%20Christopher), who plays Francis on the show.
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