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Clothing Tessellations

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04-26-2003, 6:59 PM
Originally posted by Matariel
it found a way... :)

sorry, probably my fault :)

*slaps Matariel on the wrist for getting the thread off-topic* ;)

All I'll add that's OT is that I thought JK's story was far better realised than JO's...but I still found JO enjoyable, largely for the variety of gameplay.

As far as engine capabilities for doing cloth properly go...well, I can't say I've seen many engines where cloth effects on characters are used very much. Yes, we've all seen flags and banners rippling in the wind in a variety of games - hell, you can even find them in Quake 2. But that's something a bit different to proper cloth simulation on a moving I think Matariel stated earlier the processor overhead would be far too extreme to check every time part of the model touched part of the cloth, etc.

Preanimated seems good enough for me, as long as they spend the time and resources to do it right. If they can't do that, then it's better to leave it out altogether.

And I tend to agree that we've pretty much hit this from every angle so far. Is there anything we've missed in the course of this discussion?
04-27-2003, 3:36 AM
Originally posted by Matariel

#4: Unreal engines have sucked (in my opinion) ever since 'Unreal', the mapping method was different but never really got off the ground, but i just hate the way it uses textures (they're horribly mipped in Unreal1 engine games) Unreal2/UT2003 may look all 'pretty', but as for engine licencing that'll cost a bundle and as for modding it, forget about it if its anything like UT

Plus, im hanging out for doom3, thats gunna break my current PC but, meh :)
Carmack kicks the ass of all those thousands of monkeys coding unreal :)

Are you retarded? The unreal engine is a strong, versatile and dominant engine in the FPS world. You hated Unreal1? Who cares, we now have ut2003. What do you say about the UW engine? It costs a lot to buy it!? This is why you dont like it? ROFLOL!!!

Its true carmack is the greatest game creator ever, as well as the smartest, but its PRETTY ****ING STUPID to put down the guys at EPIC and DE down, they are strong game developers.
04-27-2003, 6:23 AM
Hmm I must say I never really saw a good UT mod, NEVER!! The walking animations and baaaad textures and levels made those mods really bad. I never really played any Q3 mods, but for as far as I know, the HL mods still are the best :D

Let's hope it changes with UT2003...
04-27-2003, 6:37 AM
Ok, this thread is done.....
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