I'm new to XWINGALLIANCE.NET. I have a couple of question. In the X-Wing Alliance Single Player Mission. I'm a Flight Cadet and a Marksman 3rd Class. On Battle 2: Secret Weapons of the Empire - Mission 2 - Ensnare Imperial Prototype. Well let me get down to the brass tax. I want to know how many points I need to get to move up to Flight Officer. And so for Marksman 2rd Class. But I need to know for all the other ranks. I'm curret points is on my Tour of Duty is 6945 pts and 2425 bonus pts
Azzameen is 7961 pts and 3075 bonus pts
Combat Sim is 7153 pts and 0 bonus pts
I just want to know pts for each rank (ie Lieutenant, Captain, Commande, and etc)
And so things like (ie Marksman 2rd Class and so on so fore.)
I hope whoever read this understand what I'm trying to say. If not you may email me a HobGob112681@aol.com and if you AOL or the IM you can message @ the same name.
I'll check back tomorrow before work.
How many bonus pts for the Kalidor Crescent.
I think all that should be in the README or other electronic documentation that came with the game.
Thanks Keyan Farlander.
But now i want to know about the polit rating. How kill do i need to more up. I saw the list. I just want to shoot fore the best.
If anyone has the answer
I don't remember too well about the pilot rating. I think you can only go so high, though, before it stops you (Ace 4th or something like that). In order to go higher than that, you must do it in multiplayer.