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ZBomber's Guide to Collecting

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 daring dueler
08-14-2003, 10:51 PM

well,actually it can go for more!:eek:
08-15-2003, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by daring dueler

well,actually it can go for more!:eek:

I don't know who would pay that much for plastic and vinyl, though. ;)
 daring dueler
08-15-2003, 12:24 AM
people do, oh beleive me, people do.
08-15-2003, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by daring dueler
people do, oh beleive me, people do.

No one with a life, now, back to topic! :whip1:
 Father Torque
08-31-2003, 1:20 AM
Hmmm. Heya Z and Taters. I have a few Collectibles. And im looking on expanding. I have other collections such as gi joe stuff to hot wheels. But im not exactly the star wars geek who knows all of the stuff. So i was wondering what characters should i look out for in-case i might come across a rare but cheap figurine?
08-31-2003, 2:03 AM
They're figures, not figurines ;) Sorry, but I take that as an insult just as people call the 12" ones 'dolls.' Are GI Joes dolls? Hell no! Neither are SW 12" guys. They're ACTION FIGURES :D

There are no rare figures out there at the moment, Torque. Don't collect for value, because SW figure prices are like the stock market. They sell for 30 bucks one day, and then 5 for the next, and can shoot back up to 20. Seriously, collect what you like and want, not for what is worth anything.

But, since you asked, the most expensive thing out there (and supposedly sneaking into a few stores) is Ephant Mon. He sells for 15-28 dollars on a mint card. Other rare ones are the deluxe Jango Fett and Obi-Wan, Kamino Battle. The 3 of us have never seen those in stores, and I am the only one to own them (toyshow :))

Don't count on finding either of those. I only saw Ephant Mon twice, 4 of them, 2 of which I took for my very own. All stuff goes up in price with age. Depends on the series. The more limited it is, the faster it goes up. The more common, or the first in a new series (generally overproduced) take a longer time. ALOT longer of a time ;)

Exclusives are hard to come by after some time, so my advice? Get the Silver Boba Fett if you are Fanclub Member on September 2. Get two, I am! Also, when the Silver Clone is released at TRUS, get a purchase over 25 dollars, and wha-la. You got yourself a free Silver Clone that may be worth 30 (like the TRUS R2) Holiday Yoda, if like the Holiday droids, will be worth something too ;)
 daring dueler
08-31-2003, 1:07 PM
Originally posted by Katarn07
They're figures, not figurines ;) Sorry, but I take that as an insult just as people call the 12" ones 'dolls.' Are GI Joes dolls? Hell no! Neither are SW 12" guys. They're ACTION FIGURES :D

There are no rare figures out there at the moment, Torque. Don't collect for value, because SW figure prices are like the stock market. They sell for 30 bucks one day, and then 5 for the next, and can shoot back up to 20. Seriously, collect what you like and want, not for what is worth anything.

But, since you asked, the most expensive thing out there (and supposedly sneaking into a few stores) is Ephant Mon. He sells for 15-28 dollars on a mint card. Other rare ones are the deluxe Jango Fett and Obi-Wan, Kamino Battle. The 3 of us have never seen those in stores, and I am the only one to own them (toyshow :))

Don't count on finding either of those. I only saw Ephant Mon
twice, 4 of them, 2 of which I took for my very own. All stuff goes up in price with age. Depends on the series. The more limited it is, the faster it goes up. The more common, or the first in a new series (generally overproduced) take a longer time. ALOT longer of a time ;)

Exclusives are hard to come by after some time, so my advice? Get the Silver Boba Fett if you are Fanclub Member on September 2. Get two, I am! Also, when the Silver Clone is released at TRUS, get a purchase over 25 dollars, and wha-la. You got yourself a free Silver Clone that may be worth 30 (like the TRUS R2) Holiday Yoda, if like the Holiday droids, will be worth something too ;)

i agree, but rite now pretty much all the 203 figures are hard to find, due to bad shipping and want.

while i too collect not for the price or weather its rare or not, i buy em all(btw that silver clone looks so cool), but try and look for your favorite charactors and stuff, i recomend buying the 300th edition boba fett somthing no collector can go without, hell i have 3!

and yes september second, i already got a lightspeed pass for the yoda, and silver boba, well ill get him.
08-31-2003, 1:42 PM
Boba is already worth something on the secondary market :) Good for us 3 who got him in the stores and it went up over two times in price, but does Torque wanna dish out 25-30 dollars for him?

Well, yeah, most of the 2003 things are hard to find, but I'm seeing alot of what I got at Target at.... well, Target. Lama Su, Bariss Offee, some recarded ones, etc etc etc

I believe all the 2003 guys will show up eventually and be worth the normal price of figures on the secondary market (5-15 bucks) Maybe you might wanna get Boba Pit of Carkoon. He's 'rare' at the moment, but even if that does change, he is one awesome looking figure, maybe better than the 300th Edition one (more articulation ;))
08-31-2003, 1:42 PM
Hey Torque. Do you have any Star Wars collectibles? Like, if you have some Power of the Force 2 guys, you might wanna try and finish that set. ;)

Like Katarn and Taters said, not many rare figures out now. Exclusives are always good to have, and will be in the 40-50 range in a few years. Ephant Mon is a good rare figure, but I've only seen him once at a Target in Ft Myers, Florida. Florida has everything... .damn you Phreak! :p
08-31-2003, 1:45 PM
Originally posted by ZBomber
Florida has everything... .damn you Phreak! :p

What do you expect? Only illegal Cubans and old people and Phreak's family live there :p Do you think Elian Gonzalez and Morty Seinfeld want Ephant Mon? Nope. Phreakie is sitting on a goldmine! :p
08-31-2003, 1:55 PM
Originally posted by Katarn07
What do you expect? Only illegal Cubans and old people and Phreak's family live there :p Do you think Elian Gonzalez and Morty Seinfeld want Ephant Mon? Nope. Phreakie is sitting on a goldmine! :p

Nah, some collectors there. They only had 1 Lama Su left when I got there. :(
 daring dueler
09-01-2003, 1:51 PM
llama su shipped one per shipment;)

yeah, 2003 figures while hard to find now, will become easyier and easier to find most likely, but somtimes that doesnt happen,like the ree-yees in potf2, or some later on figures in potj.

wow katarn, your stores have new figures in them?

we get a shipment and its gone the only store who has figures on the pegs in tru, and they are all older, our target has ready for this, 1 jango piolot, and a republic gunship(clone wars). thats it, i bought out the cinema scenes=2.
09-01-2003, 2:15 PM
Originally posted by ZBomber
Nah, some collectors there. They only had 1 Lama Su left when I got there. :(

No! More tourists... like you :rolleyes: :p

And yeah, while they won't be easy to find in stores, they drop down in price ;) I bought my Death Star Trooper for 40 dollars, and saw Ree Yees for 60. The guy in front of us bought that Ree Yees :eek: I got my first for 20, the next? 8 :D
09-01-2003, 2:17 PM
I need more stuff to add. Any suggestions?
 daring dueler
09-01-2003, 10:22 PM
I got my one and only ree-yee from the fan club....o well,what do you wanna add though?
09-01-2003, 10:38 PM
what do you wanna add though?

Erm... I dunno, thats why I was asking......
 daring dueler
09-01-2003, 11:34 PM
do afa graded stuff...
 Bon Solar
07-30-2005, 5:33 PM
Do you know of any European/English sites, i found for buying miniatures but i wanted English collecting sites..
07-30-2005, 8:47 PM
Do you know of any European/English sites, i found for buying miniatures but i wanted English collecting sites..

They'd be able to help. Just register and ask there. If you get into collecting them, that's a great site to go for collecting news and what not. I'm the only die hard mini collector. dareing dueler is a casual collector of those.
 daring dueler
07-31-2005, 3:25 PM
How dare you poste here!!! My poste was standing since 2003!!! Gah i live for nothing now, i need a suicide boothe.
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