Read Character Bio first
Now the Lost Welshman roams the galaxy hunting dark jedi, he wont stop until he has killed all dark jedi, or until he is killed, There is one other hope, he could be pursuaded to turn to the light side, but it may be too late if his anger grows even more. Does anyone dare try to face this Sith, or does anyone think they can change him
Meh. persuading someone to the light side is far to much work.
*takes out yoink stick and shoots welshman in the face*
And that's the end of that chapter. *dust hands off*
*sigh* I'm sorry, I've just had lots of sugar... :indif:
*stands there with a confused look on his face as the laser missed by miles, The Lost Welshman begins to call Boba Rhett smelly, due to the shock of being called smelly for the one trillionth time, Boba Rhett dies of a heart attack, there are celebrations throughout the Forum. YAY
:drop2: <Boba Rhett