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Masters of the Force: Release 1 Screenshots

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12-17-2002, 2:38 AM
Ok, I've just posted the first screenshots for Release 1 of Masters of the Force. They can be found at:

We've currently on course for a pre-Xmas release. Please leave any comments/suggestions/etc in above thread.

More information on MotF is available at:

Razor Ace
12-17-2002, 4:52 AM
looking great!! honestly cant wait,sorta looks like max payne with the dodging :D
12-17-2002, 6:44 AM
Well, I'd describe it more like the way Matrix moves look in real-time (like that agent dodging those bullets in the movie).
12-20-2002, 6:22 AM
I've just uploaded Release 1 to my personal webspace,, and Feel free to d/l it from the personal webspace until it's up on the two main sites.


Also, I'm heading home for X-Mas so my dedication to the Mod maybe lacking for a couple of weeks. :)

I'm beat. I'm going to bed.

Happy Christmas,
Razor Ace
12-20-2002, 6:58 AM
Awesome mod :) I really like it.

just one thing tho.

I think the gunners dodge the lightsaber to easily, in a room that should be like 3 meters, a gunner that use a briar takes out someone with a lightsaber pretty easy, the gunner just dodge like every swing while the Jedis miss with like every attack. It should be easier to dodge a blast bolt than a lightsaber IMO.

Other than that awesome mod. :thmbup1:
12-20-2002, 7:22 AM
Yeah, I noticed that too. We'll fix that eventally. Different types of players will have different amounts of Dodge. At the moment, everyone has the same amount. Sort of like a blaster fight with a even number of saber and blaster jedi. :)

I think implimenting Herr's improved hitzone code would really improve dodge and the saber combat in general. Right now you can get hit in the back when facing an attack!
12-22-2002, 5:11 AM
did a little test today and i love it :).

unfortunately,a few people were complaining saying duels took to long,oh well for them :p
12-22-2002, 4:23 PM
did a little test today and i love it .

unfortunately,a few people were complaining saying duels took to long,oh well for them

1. If they don't complain to me directly, I can't know about it.
2. Duels are SUPPOSE to last a while. When was the last time you've seen a 30 saber duel in one of the movies. :)
3. A lot of the current saber "problems" in inherent to the Raven's mindset for the saber code. I'm planning on redoing that after I finish up some details on Dodge and impliment Herr's better hitzone code.

PLEASE leave any additional comments in the main Release 1 thread or the Main MotF thread. Thanks.
12-22-2002, 11:04 PM
One more thing,and im not sure if its a bug.

I joined a MotF server,and all the elements were there(dodge etc),but there was no dodge meter in the top left.

So i left and went to another server that was running it,and low and behold,it was there. Is this just a glitch?
12-23-2002, 4:07 PM
skywalker19, I've made a reply to that question in the main Release 1 comment thread (the same location of the screenshots mentioned above).
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