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 Kylco Cotam
12-16-2002, 5:10 PM
Ok heres the deal theres not much to talk about lately except for the game plan thanks to lord helmet (claps) so i decided to make a thread about everything else. Basicly this thread is all about ideas givin by members if it is ok by the originator. I making this to help us get everything in order befor the game actually comes out. So if anyone has anything to say at all plz post i feel (even though i am new) that it will help.
12-16-2002, 5:58 PM
well yeah sure it's ok by me, but i dunno what other ideas there could be with as little new stuff has been revealed as there is
 Kylco Cotam
12-16-2002, 9:43 PM
well just incase someone has a quick thought to explane they can come here plus i have an idea but i dont remember what it was:confused:
 Thew Rydur
12-16-2002, 11:09 PM
I dunno if this is what u meant this for but I'd like to see some more ppl post on Wraith's who are the Assoc. thread. I know some of the info might be personal, but you don't have to fill in everything if u don't want to. I'd just like to get to know everyone better. Especially all of the people who just joined.
12-17-2002, 12:25 AM
Well, since, from what I have read, we might be able to pilot AT-AT's and AT-ST's.

If we can, how many are we going to have? Maybe one or two AT-AT's for some transportation/defense? Maybe four AT-ST's(the smaller ones) for one on each corner of the city.

Or we could just have gun turrets at each corner and entrance, and have one AT-ST standing at an entrance. Most likely though, most people wont be attacking eachother for that long since everyone is trying to get started up.

Also, would anyone care to draw up some way of how we are going to build the city? Examples: Where housing is going to be, space port, bars, tradeposts, ect. I just do not want our city to get crowded when we build it all.

Anyway, I have a lot more ideas, but I will wait for another time, just so you people can go with the ideas I have suggested. If it has been suggested before, dont yell at me please, since the searching function does not work on these forums.

Edit: Also, what server are you all planning on using?
 Jan Gaarni
12-17-2002, 11:19 AM
Well, since, from what I have read, we might be able to pilot AT-AT's and AT-ST's.
To be perfectly honest, I truly hope not. :(

They are imperial military hardware. It would not make sence if these where readily available on the open market, even on the black market.

And "players may be able to assist in running such vehicles" can mean so many things, from actually operating the vehicle, to service them. My guess is that the latter will be the closest a player will get one. :)
Also, would anyone care to draw up some way of how we are going to build the city? Examples: Where housing is going to be, space port, bars, tradeposts, ect. I just do not want our city to get crowded when we build it all.
When we get into the game, then we will be looking closer into how to set up our town. We need to know more before we can actually make a solid cityplan, like, how does the terrain look like for instance. We won't be able to build all those buildings in the beginning anyway, but we can of course plan where they eventually will be. :) Everything cost credits. Building them cost credits, and maintaining them will cost credits. It's an ongoing regular paying experience to actually have a home, or any other type of building. :)

If it has been suggested before, dont yell at me please, since the searching function does not work on these forums.
We don't yell at people here. We brutaly lobotomise them then kick them to the curb. :D
 Jan Gaarni
12-17-2002, 11:43 AM
Why is it, when I just want to mention something, it always end up like a long post? :D
 Lord Helmet
12-17-2002, 4:11 PM
becuase you quote!
12-17-2002, 4:23 PM
What I mean by drawing up a city is, are we going to have one section for houses, then on the other side, have where we do things. Manufactoring, our town hall, ect, ect.

Since I am going to be a Creature Handler most likely, I want my house kind of on the out skirts so I can get to and from my "pets" and such with ease. I would also like it sort of like a big zoo, I guess I should say. Have boundaries where my pets can go, by that, I mean big boundaries. Also, I would like to live by a farmer, where it would be some what easy to get food and such.

I will try to draw something up of what I think we all should do for our city. I need ideas though, such as, are we going to live by water, a mountain area for mining, or by a NPC city? Those are the things that I think we need to think about now so when we all get SWG, we can get the best place for a city.

Also, which server are we all going to go into?
 Thew Rydur
12-17-2002, 5:23 PM
I don't think we've chosen one yet, but we're gonna be on the east coast.
 Kylco Cotam
12-18-2002, 2:46 PM
well just so yall kno this is the exact reason for make ing this thread thx and continue posting
12-20-2002, 10:38 AM
I think we need to find out the population of our PA and what we all are planning on doing.

We really need just about one person per skill in order for our city to progress. I under stand that we have an alliance, but what if they go on a different server?

I understand that this PA is so everyone can be what ever they want to be, but in order to make ourselves a better PA, we need to be willing to change our skills.

I myself will change what I want to do so I can be a benefactor to the progress of our soon to be city. So, in about a day or less, I am going to make a thread or two, asking what server you all want to go on, and what skill everyone wants to be.
 Kylco Cotam
12-20-2002, 12:55 PM
you know i think ride has a very good point and even if you ended up being what you didnt want to be you can still learn from each other but i think to start off we are going to have to have certain jobs so you can get started then from there do what we want

I have also and idea. i think that if we as a pa have our own orginized government like a republic or something else like that we could be a more efficient pa if we elect a leader (most likely the orginizer of this pa) and have represenatives from our town or just have like town meetings we will be more like our own seperate area.

i also have a question

are we only goning to have one town/city for us or are we going to be scattered across corellia bc if we are scattered ecah area will be able to have a rep. and we will have a certain spot for them to meet to discuss probles or situations/deals

if you have any ? or your:confused: just ask me to clear it up 4 ya thx
12-20-2002, 1:04 PM
That sounds like a good idea, but we need to make a central town first, then span across the planet, then the universe. If and when we succeed at being basically our own empire, you can be what ever you want. I like the idea of having little towns/market places scattered across the planet. That will basically mean more money for all of us in the long run, if we do it right.

First things first though, we need to build a town for ourselves and have some type of income before we even try to expand.

We also need some type of outline of how we are going to build our city. Maybe break it up into 4 squares. One square be industry, another be homes, and the other two for our market place/space port. Are we going to have walls, turrets, gates, ect, ect, ect. If we get some type of plan now, it will just be a matter of money and carrying out our ideas in game.

I made the thread on which skills everyone wants and what they would be willing to change too.
 Wraith 8
12-20-2002, 1:38 PM
Originally posted by Ride
If we can, how many are we going to have? Maybe one or two AT-AT's for some transportation/defense? Maybe four AT-ST's(the smaller ones) for one on each corner of the city.

Or we could just have gun turrets at each corner and entrance, and have one AT-ST standing at an entrance. Most likely though, most people wont be attacking eachother for that long since everyone is trying to get started up.Well... like Jan said. its Imperial hardware :D. its likely that we can only build our own versions.

second. i think this is an issue for later. People can NOT attack another person without asking it first... and the only answer you all must give in the first couple of weeks is one word:

Because... if you say yeas.... wether you win or lose... the PA is in trouble and then we REALY need those stuff... and i dont WANT to need them at all. we are a neutral PA... lets try and stay that way. if we all decide we dont like another PA and we would benefit from its removal.... THAN and only THAN we can DISCUSS the possabillaty for attack. so if you all just say that little word no in the beginning.. we dont even NEED military stuff. and we saved ourself a ****load of credits.

now.. later on.. when we established a town and so... we will discuss defence.

Originally posted by Ride
If it has been suggested before, dont yell at me please, since the searching function does not work on these forums.the reason for the search function to be offline is very simple. did you see my post count :D its rather big... did you see the number of members at the first page? well let me say to you that we hav 45,330 members of the Lucas forums right now... and a lot of them have over a 1000 posts... the server would go NUTS to search all that.

Originally posted by Thew Rydur
I don't think we've chosen one yet, but we're gonna be on the east coast. im not agreeing or disagreeing on it.... but where did you hear that? i never ever saw a discission like that :D

Originally posted by Ride
I think we need to find out the population of our PA and what we all are planning on doing.

We really need just about one person per skill in order for our city to progress. I under stand that we have an alliance, but what if they go on a different server?

I understand that this PA is so everyone can be what ever they want to be, but in order to make ourselves a better PA, we need to be willing to change our skills.

I myself will change what I want to do so I can be a benefactor to the progress of our soon to be city. So, in about a day or less, I am going to make a thread or two, asking what server you all want to go on, and what skill everyone wants to be. uhm you said this in you own thread... and i dont realy agree on you with this.... i think it is wrong to force something on somebody. oh and we have 30 members.

Originally posted by Kylco Cotam
I have also and idea. i think that if we as a pa have our own orginized government like a republic or something else like that we could be a more efficient pa if we elect a leader (most likely the orginizer of this pa) and have represenatives from our town or just have like town meetings we will be more like our own seperate area.

i also have a question

are we only goning to have one town/city for us or are we going to be scattered across corellia bc if we are scattered ecah area will be able to have a rep. and we will have a certain spot for them to meet to discuss probles or situations/dealsuhm...... did you think we were quiet all these months the PA was here? Gaalgoth and me.... and even the members of the PA.... have talked about this.... me an Gaalgoth have everything well in hand.. and the game isnt coming out for another 3 months.... so dont worry.

and about the place of the town... we will decide when the game comes...

My thoughts.. and i think Gallgoth agrees with me
 Thew Rydur
12-20-2002, 1:49 PM
About the server I thought I remembered Gaal saying we were gonna be east coast.
 Wraith 8
12-20-2002, 5:10 PM
Yeah.. but we havent decided on wich east coast server.
 Kylco Cotam
12-21-2002, 8:01 PM
wraith sry didnt mean it that way i was trying to say if we do something you should let us kno bc kno is the time to get things orginized and when you say we still have three months well ya we do i mean dont get me wrong but 3 months is not a very long time to get a whole "civilization"if thats what you call it in order i mean now the time lets not put this off

sry but really youi say you latked about it but you havent told us anything like how were going to be governed at least as far as i kno
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