anyone who hasn't gotten the gold medal in prisons of kessel here's a good little tip for all of you (especially those who haven't killed enough enemies) when you go towards each prison group don't destroy the little barracks buildings let them go until stormtroopers start coming out then take out the stormtroopers and the buildings. for those who don't have good enough time take out the ties as fast as you can make sure you hear "thanks rogue group i'm clear" as quickly as you can once you do that then the commando's head into the prison and take care of bussiness allowing you to take out more enemies and also try to take out as many of the weapons installations in the surrounding prison areas as well as the tie's you come across. do these things and you should get the gold medal in the level (even with the X-Wing!)
And Plo, don't forget to mention to use the missiles to take out the TIE's and don't forget to pick up the bonus to get gold!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's right jedi skywalker. to get the bonus it's at the second prison facility up in the little cutout. there is a missile launcher there along with a little barracks building take out the launcher first then the building and you'll get the bonus.
Originally posted by Darth_Vader_27
that's right jedi skywalker. to get the bonus it's at the second prison facility up in the little cutout. there is a missile launcher there along with a little barracks building take out the launcher first then the building and you'll get the bonus.
I know Darth Vader, I've gottenalready gold. But I just mentioned this because Plo forget it.
Are you new around here?