If like me u are already comitted to a clan in a different game, will that make it difficult for u to play as often as you would like? U remember that thing that we all had once ? (I'm talking about scoial life:D ) Will that get in the way of your gaming experience? Can u forsee a huge wage bill for your AI shopkeeper to keep things ticking over whilst you're 'AWOL'.............This poll should be interesting then?
Well, I would have to say:
Saturday AM
Saturday PM
Sunday AM
Sunday PM
and any other time I can. :D
I think you forget the option: EVERY WAKING MINUTE :D
3-4 hours a night and 10-12 hours per weekend :) If this game is even half the fun Eq was the first few months, I will be on every spare moment.
Yeah....I gotta agree with Murashu there. Luckily this will be during my second semester when I'm already accepted into colleges, so my grades won't matter that much.....but I'm going to be on at all times that i can. Course I also have my girlfriend to maintain, but when it all comes down to it what I really have to ask myself is would I rather have a girlfriend or a lightsaber.
unfortunaly not all of us can aford a bout of senoritus Gaal, I'm still going to be busy with school but i'll try to get into the game as much as i can.
Well you know, I guess my senoritis will let me play the bold fearless leader more often...haha......ha.......
well.. i think i can spare some time here and there :D... but i still have a grilfriend and school.
Luckily I am married to an understanding wife and have a kid that loves playing computer games so it gives me an excuse to spend time with him playing online :D
Originally posted by Murashu
Luckily I am married to an understanding wife and have a kid that loves playing computer games so it gives me an excuse to spend time with him playing online :D you lucky bastard :D
you lucky bastard
Thats what my wife tells me daily lol
Oh, I have my doubts she calls you a "lucky bastard" these days ... with your current location and all I mean. :D