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Hello There!

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 Wraith 8
10-07-2002, 6:24 AM
Hi all Associates... i think we need to get some more life into this whole PA stuff :D... bring me your Ideas and tell me what you think? we need more reaction... are the members still alive?
 Ewok Hunter
10-07-2002, 11:12 AM
alive? thats debatable...
 Jan Gaarni
10-07-2002, 3:03 PM
270 Gaarni, reporting for duty, SIR!!! :D
10-07-2002, 7:55 PM
I think most of us are still here, it's just still a ways off so no one is really crazy active. but the date is idea i have is that we set aside a space for that guy with the colliseum. I still need to talk with him, but i threw out the idea on that thread. supposing he is willing, what about you guys?
 Ewok Hunter
10-07-2002, 8:33 PM
talk to him and figure out a way to make a deal with him. maybe even convince him to come to our town, if we make one, and pay for some land and basic services we could provide.
 Thew Rydur
10-08-2002, 12:01 AM
I think we should try to organize a small militia/security squad, with Setsuko in charge of course. :D
 Wraith 8
10-08-2002, 10:43 AM
Sure Gaalgoth.
Talk to him and make deals.... in game we can hopefully get everything working just fine.

and Thew... i suggest mailing Set about your idea's... afterall.. we need protection :D
 Ewok Hunter
10-08-2002, 11:42 PM
talking about set, didn't catch why she left and when she'll get back. any of you know?
10-09-2002, 4:49 AM
I'm here and alive. Still playing Army in Afghanistan but I hope to be home by December. I would love to discuss PA stuff but I'm not really the guy to come up with great ideas, I just sit back and make fun of people with bad ideas ;)

With the info you have right now, what are some of the things that we can do as a PA? I know there is alot of info that hasnt been released yet and people are hoping to be able to do things, but what info is out there that has been officially released? I read alot of posts by different people saying they plan on doing this or that and thier PA is going to do this or that, are they all just hoping to be able to do these things or is there some info on PA's that I cant find anywhere?

Hope I didnt confuse anyone :)
 Wraith 8
10-09-2002, 12:25 PM
lol.. well we need idea's.. i dont care how crazy they are... just throw them aboard.. :D
 Lord Helmet
10-13-2002, 5:08 PM
i think im here...or am i?
 Jan Gaarni
10-17-2002, 2:09 PM
Ideas: Give me a week, and I'll come up with something.

Have taken all next week off from work and I will go through ALL the released documentations and notes from the Official Site. Maybe even make order to the kaos. :D
We'll see. ;)
 Wraith 8
10-18-2002, 6:54 AM
You do that... leave a message here so we all know what you have done :D
 Jan Gaarni
10-18-2002, 12:16 PM

Uhm, today I have done ... squat, nada, nothing. :D

Just relaxing and preparing myself for the vacation time. ;)
 Wraith 8
10-19-2002, 7:03 AM
Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Uhm, today I have done ... squat, nada, nothing. :D

Just relaxing and preparing myself for the vacation time. ;) oh thats right.. your going away... well have a nice vacation :D
 Jan Gaarni
10-19-2002, 7:20 AM
No no, I'll be home, just not at work. :D
10-21-2002, 3:58 PM
#17 might call it that! I'm hibernating, waiting for that perfect moment, that tense second when the lightbulb goes ping, the shutters roll up, the doors fling open, the flags fly and the band starts to play on the release date ofSWG. Yes folks I'll be there camping out by my local gamestore shouting
'ye-he-hesssss' at the frightened public before i run home and frantically press the 'install' button......whoop de whoop :D
 Lord Helmet
10-21-2002, 7:16 PM
and it ur frloic home u drio the cs nd break ...lose the receipt...then when u go back to the store...THEYA RE SOLD OUT AND........YOU.........ARE..........SCREWED!!!!!! YES SCREWED BY ME THE EVIL politican rancor owner muahahah mhuahahah
 Ewok Hunter
10-22-2002, 2:37 AM
in fact the only games that they have left that you could trade for are the barbie horsy games:D
 Thew Rydur
10-22-2002, 5:49 PM
I was thinking we should all swap email, Msn, Aim, Icq, whatever to get in better contact.
 Wraith 8
10-23-2002, 10:47 AM
well i do have all your E-mail Adresses... i can e-mail you all to add you to my ICQ, MSN or AIM list.
but i can make a new thread an let you all post your IM name sthere.
 Thew Rydur
10-28-2002, 3:21 PM
How about an updated list of spieces/professions to see what we need?
 Thew Rydur
11-03-2002, 3:00 PM
Or a name for our city?
 Wraith 8
11-04-2002, 5:15 PM
well.. give me your ideas :D
11-04-2002, 7:20 PM
how about Absolom from No Escape, or Tanis - this was the ancient egyptian city from which the exodus began, but you may also remember it as the location where Indiana Jones discovered the 'Lost Ark' in the movie. I just like the names!
 Thew Rydur
11-04-2002, 10:12 PM
Tanis sounds pretty good to me, Tanos doesn't sound bad either. Tanis does kinda sound Corellian for some reason.
 Wraith 8
11-05-2002, 11:15 AM
Tanis sounds pretty good :D... but please let everybody say something about this or give other idea's
11-05-2002, 12:26 PM
I'm not for or against the name tanis but you might want to wait and see the naming policy before you get set on a certain name. These are the same folks that made everquest and the naming policy wont allow you to use Copyrighted names from old novels, movies and such.

I hate being the negative guy but i dont want you being upset if you pick a name and cant use it after release.
 Wraith 8
11-05-2002, 2:46 PM
welll.. ill go on Google and find out if it is taken :D
 Wraith 8
11-05-2002, 2:55 PM
well i found the following stuff about Tanis:
Computer Entertainment Software
Tanis of Ouddorp, (South) Zuid - Netherlands Family Crest

The linage of the families: Tanis - Medendorp - Sterkenberg & Verhil(l) - Jeltes - Bos
All these families have their origins in South-Holland, Netherlands
They emigrated to the United states in the late 1800's, mostly to
Grand Rapids, MI and the Ottawa, County, MI area.
Distant family can still be found in the Netherlands.

well.. this is what i found looking for the word tanis. i got loads of other pages full with Tanis... to much to post :D


Well so far nothing weird or SWG like :D
11-06-2002, 5:48 AM
I forgot to ask sooner but would it be ok if my son joined too? He is going to play a ranger to go with my combat medic. He doesnt speak much but he enjoys playing online, he started playing EQ at age 5 and got 2 characters to lvl 50+.
 Wraith 8
11-06-2002, 2:41 PM
Yeah sure..... uhm i added a new member the last time... and i never saw him before..... is he your son?


Anyway.... on our website i have made a condition for joining.... maybe you should read it :D

Anyway... get him joined up... the more the merier :D
11-06-2002, 4:45 PM

Screwy would be me and no I'm not his son.....I don't think. (Enter twilight zone music here) Didn't even know I was added as a member until today when I checked the members list. So here I am and stuff......yeah......I guess I'll start reading some back post and see whats going on. Hope to be able to help out a little if I can.

 Wraith 8
11-06-2002, 6:32 PM
well then :D.....

Welcome to

Hi there... i was the one who added you to our slowly growing list of members :D Tell some things about you and what your plans are for the game.

Official Welcome:
*Gives a large box full of small, chocolate covered gnorts (*)


Welcome to
The Associates

for more info on us... go to our still under construction site:

Hope you will enjoy yourself here

-Wraith 8-
11-06-2002, 7:37 PM
welcome screwy. I'm the leader, but lately wraith has been doing the brunt of the administrative work. Sorry guys, GTA Vice City and the demands of college applications have been killing me.....I should be getting back to normal posting soon. And murashu, of course your son can join.
 Wraith 8
11-07-2002, 3:20 PM
Originally posted by Gaalgoth
welcome screwy. I'm the leader, but lately wraith has been doing the brunt of the administrative work. Sorry guys, GTA Vice City and the demands of college applications have been killing me.....I should be getting back to normal posting soon. And murashu, of course your son can join. its ok :D i love it :D
11-07-2002, 6:51 PM
Well I'm html illiterate, so that works out nicely =)
11-07-2002, 8:49 PM
OK I'll have him sign up. Keep an eye out for Zardd. He is set on a ranger yet he cant decide on which race yet.
11-07-2002, 9:15 PM
that's all fine and dandy
11-09-2002, 5:28 AM
Alright some things about me. Well I'm an Electronics Technician Third Class in the US Navy. I'm 22 Currently stationed in Iceland until July then I'm off to a small island off the coast of India for a year. Never played a MMORPG before but I've mudded on Jedimud for many years. Guess I've only done that because well its was free and I didn't really need graphics to hangout and play around with friends. I love Star Wars but I'm not one of those guys that know Han Solos hometown, Lukes mothers 3rd cousins maiden name, Leia's favorite color, or how many ewoks you can fit in a phone booth. As for plans with the game I'm not totally sure yet. I was originally going to be a droid designer but as of now I'm not really sure. Will wait till we got closer to release and then see what the PA is still short on. Other then that there isn't a hell of allot to say. Still trying to catch up on all the happenings. Been working 16 hours a day lately so time is a little lean right now in fact I better end this here because i gotsta get to work.

Just Me
 Wraith 8
11-09-2002, 11:10 AM
well.. nice to know that :D
well... as you havent picked a real proffesion yet in the game... ill leave your rank at initiate.

but it is fun to know some more about our members....

hmmmm.... maybe its a good idea for a new thread.
 Jan Gaarni
11-09-2002, 1:58 PM
I love Star Wars but I'm not one of those guys that know Han Solos hometown, Lukes mothers 3rd cousins maiden name, Leia's favorite color, or how many ewoks you can fit in a phone booth.
Dude, noone knows the 3 first there. :D

Ewok Hunter might be able to help you answer that last one though. :p ;)

Anyway, welcome. :)
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