Hi there, i'm new to this board. I have been to some boards, but they all ended up with "1|\/| 50 1337 h4x0R!!@@", or "OMG LIEK I EAT AND RAEP TEH DED BABEEZ AND LIEK DRIENK TEHSODA!!!111".
I hope you get the point and let me talk like a normal person here
Well, I don't know about "normal", but i'm pretty sure you won't have to talk in some sort of cryptic jack off languge or whatever the hell that is.
I know we could invent our own stupid techy lingo, we could call it wiek! and insted of useing # for letters we could use letters for #!!!!
I got my paycheck today and i got $ASSOO ($45500)!
hmmm maybe not, i dont think assoo is an apropreit thing to say...
We would probably get lost in that one :confused:
Im going to get my SOOOO $ paycheck in two days :D
alright, thats enough of that
<stupid joke>Jelous eh? :D </stupid joke>