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Lucasforums SWG trivia

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 Ewok Hunter
09-03-2002, 8:33 PM
kay, how about this: who took over the trivia thread when wraith had to leave for an extended perios of time?
09-04-2002, 4:43 PM
 Ewok Hunter
09-05-2002, 12:13 AM
2 points for mike, i'll post all the points when this reaches page 3... next: who is an alien wit han extra opposible thumb?
 Wraith 8
09-05-2002, 10:45 AM
Isnt that Kwok?
 Ewok Hunter
09-05-2002, 10:23 PM
nooo, starts with a M ends with C and has IKE
09-06-2002, 12:34 AM
Can't you give us at least a little bit of a hint on that one ewok?

MikeC would be my guess. ;)
 Ewok Hunter
09-06-2002, 1:17 AM
OK, mr. samrt alien.. where do thy keep all the infomation about you and your alien friends?
 "thA dekMan"
09-07-2002, 11:32 PM
on a spaceship back in 1975. No wait... 1976?
 Ewok Hunter
09-07-2002, 11:42 PM
sheesh, if you look at the thread for a any length of time you'd know the answer, don't just go guessing randomly

sorry for flaming, but I'd prefer that the rules would be followed
 "thA dekMan"
09-08-2002, 8:39 PM
i'm sorry :(.
 Ewok Hunter
09-09-2002, 1:33 AM
forgot to give mike points... next:what is the Flufferation?
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