Any chance someone could work out some civ guides real quick now that CC AND the patch are out? Found some great info on SWGB Heaven but the info is outdated coz there's 2 new civs (duh) and certain things which used to be true are no longer the case (example: anti-air ATATs, powered nurseries, mobile power-Gronks, etc).
If not, then I'll learn by doing. Just thought it would be nice for a n00b like me. :D :c3po:
I'll do them, please any support would be of help has the best civ guides around. We were the very first site to announce and have info on the new civs.
When you visit the main page. You will see the Civs at the top ( 01 - Rebels 02 - Empire etc. These link to the Civ section for that Civ.
Failing that, visit the Civilisation Index
Those blurbs about the civs are nice, but I mean top-down in-depth how they work and what's the best way to play them tuts for the civs.
SWGB Heaven ( has a sticky in their Strategies forum with civ guides, but they are outdated to pre-expansion.