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Website review by the SWG PA community

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08-07-2002, 11:44 PM
Greeting to the SWG PA community,

I am Vision and I have been a member here for quite a while. I have just finished the web-site for a PA I started with my friends almost a year ago. It is called the “Shadow Winds” and it is a story following PA, a role-playing PA of sorts. It is a new and fun way to play SWG, to follow a history and create an ending! I would deeply appreciate it if you all would visit it and help me with the design, I think I need more but I don’t know what… please tell me what you think… and no, this is not a recruitment post, I just want to get some feed back from the community.

It is

Thank you,

The Vision - Personal Folio - Shadow Winds Role Playing PA
08-07-2002, 11:47 PM
Quite a while and you have 4 posts....hmmm.....
08-07-2002, 11:54 PM
I am a lurker just click my name to see my reg date... I think its there.. and to make it easy it says04-14-2002... sorry or the inconvenience.

Vision - Personal Folio - Shadow Winds Role Playing PA
 Thew Rydur
08-07-2002, 11:57 PM
You might want to consider making the font bigger.
 Ewok Hunter
08-08-2002, 12:56 AM
yeah, and if you have extra space on the sever maybe add a no-frames version :cool: but it looks prety good:D
08-08-2002, 2:58 AM
It is a new and fun way to play SWG
All right! I know I'm always looking for new ways to play SWG. Wait a second! A new way to play a game that hasn't been released yet? Am I the only one who sees a problem with his claim? :confused:
08-08-2002, 3:19 PM
Hey Thew Rydur I have gotten the same comment from another forum I think I will do that thnx

And ewok hunter... do you really think that would be necessary? I mean most people are frame compatible but I may still...

Finally to MikeC... lol yah I know, its not out yet but I have read how every one is planning to play so I thought it would be appropriate to add that, I need to reword it though... any suggestions?

Thank you all for your support!

Vision - Personal Folio - Shadow Winds Role Playing PA
 Ewok Hunter
08-08-2002, 9:16 PM
yeah, not really neccessary. but I run multiple windows at a time so the top frame took up about half of the page, which was a little annoying. but like I said you did a very good job:D
08-09-2002, 1:07 PM
Ok, now I see. I will try to make a no fame version!

-Vision - Personal Folio - Shadow Winds Role Playing PA
 Ewok Hunter
08-09-2002, 2:45 PM
wouldn't really be neccessary, just nice...
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