The rule is simple: Guess who will post next here on this topic, I'll start:
Wrong. I'm gonna guess: DarthEggplant post next on this topic.
DEH-DUHN! Wrong. But I bet that Isis Kaldara is going to post next...
If not, don't blame me! I'm not psychic...
You are correct sir!
I think it might be a GFN member... More specificly Gendo
OMG!! You are psychic! OMFGLOL!! OMLOLGFGLOLOLOLOOLOOFHLEOF223@$%#!!!!!!!!
MeddlingMonk will post next.
Nope. Sorry. I can see Isis Kaldara posting next
You are correct, sir! Gendo, that was just a lucky guess. I think... Gendo will post next. If not, hi to whoever posts next!
Guess who. Are you surprised? I know I am!
This game is pointless. There's a 60 percent chance in each case that the next poster will be me and a thirty percent chance it will be Isis or Darth (when he comes back, that is).
Isis will post next.
You are correct, sir. I agree.
Gendo should post next.
spoon_man or Metallus next post
You know I almost feel like I am spamming. Anyhow you're wrong. GendoTheGreat will for sure post next.
This game, :(
That's your opinion, but please don't ruin the game.;)
Anyway, I think Isis Kaldara will post next...
;7 ;5 |^47]=[3|^ |>0;/\/71355...
U R Rong! Ittiz eye!
Darth is neckst!
This thread fails. Don't try to start up another game like this either. Sorry, guys.