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 Thew Rydur
08-06-2002, 11:39 PM
Hello, I'm new to the PA and hope to get to know you all better. I hope to focus on one character in the game who will be a human bounty hunter. When the Space Expansion comes out I may do some smuggling on the side also. This will be my first MMORPG so it may take me sometime to get used to it.
 Ewok Hunter
08-07-2002, 12:41 AM
wait a sec... wern't you just over a the bounty hunters guild thing? you do realize that the game will only let you 'officially' sign up for one group?
 Thew Rydur
08-07-2002, 11:40 AM
Yeah I know, i'm not in the Bounty Hunter's Guild. I just figured I'd reply there since a lot of people not in that PA do.
 Jan Gaarni
08-07-2002, 12:02 PM
Welcome to the team, Thew. :)
 Ewok Hunter
08-07-2002, 3:19 PM
whoops, for got to Welcome you so:
yeah, proably good for a few posts to go and herrass the other PA boards ;)
08-07-2002, 6:16 PM
Keep a lawabiding profile, and everything will be fine with me too. Lawabiding towards other Asociate members, that is! :D
08-07-2002, 10:17 PM
see, told you it would be no problem Thew. Welcome =)
08-09-2002, 5:15 AM
Actually i encourage the total opposite. No law at all :).
 Jan Gaarni
08-09-2002, 3:03 PM
I disagree.

And I propose that the towns first law and rule should be:

1. Pants are to be worn at all times in public. :D
 Ewok Hunter
08-09-2002, 3:05 PM
yeah, about the town, should we all start to settle in one general area near the begining? because, they said that each person can only get a limited amount of land in the game. besides, if we wait too long all the good land on corellia will be taken :(
 Jan Gaarni
08-09-2002, 3:07 PM
Good point.
08-10-2002, 1:42 PM
Going back to the FAQ again (zzzzzz) I'm of the understanding that the best and most rewarding mining areas are to be found remotely, with an element of risk attached to the locale. With that in mind, I'm kind of tied to mining in a dangerous place. Surely, I wont be alone there will I? :-) Your not gonna let me go risk my neck on my own are ya guys n gals?

I guess that the mining process will take time to acheive anything near a profitable commodity which will kind of rely on having you guys around for a while at least (until the mine can defend itself) so you may have to build yer houses in the vacinity, at least for a short while?

Have you considered the possibility of travelling around Correllia using up the resources we find along the way, Bedoin style?
 Ewok Hunter
08-10-2002, 2:06 PM
but the reasources will probly be used up strip mine like *not sure* so eventually we'll have to move, besides IMO a rocky planet like lok might have more minerals than say, Corellia.

BTW WB kwok, havn't seen you in a while
08-10-2002, 8:37 PM
Right now, the words from the devs is:

when one recource is mined out at one place, it will NEVER EXIST AGAIN! It will be replaced by a new recource, thus rendering all designs involving that mineral useless once all the resource is used. This is really a good idea, meaning that the weapon designers will have to be active every once in a while, and it also gives the miners more headaches, and thereby, more gameplay.
 Ewok Hunter
08-11-2002, 12:31 AM
it also means that we could stockpile it and sell it later to people seeking 'antiques' :D
08-11-2002, 4:23 AM
I was hoping we'd all catch up in game and find a common spot to gather until we had some skills and $$'s to start a community and trade. I'll need a home base and friends to watch my stuff while i'm off exploring. :)
 Jan Gaarni
08-11-2002, 12:33 PM
Going back to the FAQ again (zzzzzz) I'm of the understanding that the best and most rewarding mining areas are to be found remotely, with an element of risk attached to the locale. With that in mind, I'm kind of tied to mining in a dangerous place. Surely, I wont be alone there will I? :-) Your not gonna let me go risk my neck on my own are ya guys n gals?

Well, I'm just back from the FAQ aswell, and there seems to be a small problem with our mining plans.
The profession is an elite profession, which means you will not be able to choose it from the start, like you cannot choose to be a bounty hunter from the start. :(
So it will take some time before Kwok will be able to start the mining operation.

BUT, that should not stop us from searching for a good spot to setup, and it gives us, I believe, some extra time to find it. :)
08-14-2002, 6:49 PM
oh no really! That is frustrating, what am i supposed to do in the mean time? Well, if i am gonna gear my character around a miner that means im gonna be fairly poor at anything else (I imagine) so how am I going to get by in the beginning? :rolleyes: Oh well, I guess this is another thing that I'm gonna have to wait and see about then :)
08-14-2002, 8:42 PM
I expect we can all pitch in and help you meet your goal quickly :D
 Thew Rydur
08-15-2002, 12:39 AM
Thats not a bad idea, to have a small collection when the game is released for all the players who need money to start their proffesions. Of course we don't really know how scarce money will be.
 Ewok Hunter
08-15-2002, 9:47 PM
Originally posted by Kwok69
oh no really! That is frustrating, what am i supposed to do in the mean time? Well, if i am gonna gear my character around a miner that means im gonna be fairly poor at anything else (I imagine) so how am I going to get by in the beginning? :rolleyes: Oh well, I guess this is another thing that I'm gonna have to wait and see about then :)
there'll probably be preresquisites to becoming a miner, so work on those :D
08-17-2002, 11:42 AM
Yes youre probably right - maybe thatll be the case for a lot of us. We may have to gain some experience before we can truly embark on a trade properly?
 Ewok Hunter
08-17-2002, 4:00 PM
of course, like the jedi path you'll have to start with nothing and gredaully build up to a goal :D
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