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trivia (probably will include spoilers)

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 Ewok Hunter
07-21-2002, 8:05 AM
this is the most on topic place to put a trivia post on the SW universe, probably will eventually go into EU, so here's the first question: which SSD collided with the :deathii: near the end of the battle of Endor?
07-22-2002, 10:39 AM
The bad thing is, almost no one goes to this forum.:(
 Ewok Hunter
07-23-2002, 12:54 AM
so let's go spam the other boards telling people to come here :D.
07-23-2002, 10:23 AM
You do, and it'll be a toss up as to who dismembers you; the mods, or me.

And it was the Executor. Lord Vader's personal Super-class Star Destroyer; the first of its kind (eventually followed by the Lusankya [buried on Coruscant, and eventually freed by Ysanne Isard], the Iron Fist, and the Intimidator [captured by yevetha during the withdrawal from Koornacht]).

That was childishly easy.

What was Jabba the hutt's full name (3 words).
 Ewok Hunter
07-23-2002, 7:42 PM
I know, it was just to start us off, the name was Jabba Deslijic Tiure. heres a semi-difficult one: what is the training protol where each tranies poits are switched whith their wingmen.
 Ewok Hunter
07-25-2002, 9:34 PM
acctually it was in book five by allston :). and piggy explained it to his wingman but not to kell so it was established before wedge used it.
07-26-2002, 9:39 AM
If I had the first of Stackpole's X-Wing books, I could tell you, but it's in another city right now, and it's been so long since I've read it.

Besides, I get the feeling that Wedge made up that protocol on the spot, just to p*ss off Corran.
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