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Favorite Unique Unit?

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09-06-2001, 8:47 PM
What is your Favorite Unique Unit?
09-06-2001, 9:05 PM
I posted this before... doesn't anyone have any new, fresh ideas? :confused:
 xwing guy
09-06-2001, 10:41 PM
Yeah this has been posted a million times. I voted wookiees.
 Tie Guy
09-07-2001, 3:07 PM
Well, berserkers for now, but that could change when i see all the units in action.
09-07-2001, 4:22 PM
Dark Troopers rule, but in Dark Forces™ Kyle Katarn rules.:D
09-07-2001, 4:42 PM
I'm not sure what may favorite is gonna be. I think the Dark Trooper looks pretty cool though. :D
09-07-2001, 8:28 PM
Originally posted by xwing guy
Yeah this has been posted a million times. I voted wookiees.

But I posted it first... :D I voted Dtrooper...
 xwing guy
09-07-2001, 10:21 PM
But I posted it second.:D
09-18-2001, 9:42 AM
who cares?
09-18-2001, 3:40 PM
As the great Yankee catcher Yogi Berra once said, "Its like deja vu all over again." ;)

Fambaas are the most useful, IMO. Droidekas are the coolest.

EDIT: Crackercho, how did you make that little "TM"?
 Link Antilles
09-19-2001, 2:23 PM
 Admiral viper
09-20-2001, 9:28 PM
Dark trooper all the way
09-20-2001, 9:31 PM
Don't know and don't care about favorites. I will probably like them all!
09-21-2001, 5:47 PM
every unique unit is cool but my favorite is the beserker
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