Kai Yai...
(and the rest Bruce Willis
said in Die Hard, but the forum
will editi it, so if you saw the movie
fill in the blank.)
Big Brother
(translates to about same thing)
Abby Dalton (Shafted, big time.)
Samuel Jackson
*Jedi Knight, Cool cop,
and unbreakable Arch Vilian,
plus tons of other stuff
including XXX boss spy man.*
Nicolas Cage (Another cool, diverse actor.)
There's an old Indian Remedy for keeping warm... Teeheehee...
(his portrayal of Darkness
in the movie Legend was the only
thing redeamable about that flick.)
Tommy can you see me?
can you hear me near you?
(a vespa scooter to everyone)
see Metallus the Mod of all Mod's
his collection of B&W checkered
clothing and his pile of vinyl
Specials albums is quite impressive.)
Peter Gunn ('Cause he's just so frickin cool. It's a real shame his '89 vehicle blew so hard. Peter Strauss was great, but everthing else - bleech.)
(This part of the song: "I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed.")
(Yup! I love Savage Garden!)
SNL Jeopardy.
SNL - Sex, Nudity, Language
Naughty! (Noone ever said that was a bad thing...)
Nice (That's me. I'm nice, damnit)
SakŠ¹! (Tea being the replacement and TI being the note to follow.)
my initials in the real world
jelly baby
(or in discworld Djellibaby)
*unless your packing methane flavoured gum*
Atttackk kkackk ackk kk!
that was a great film,
specially at the senior citizens home.