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What about Food for Trade Federation?

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09-05-2001, 8:38 PM
I dont know about the rest of you but how is it going to be handled that the droids of the Federation dont eat? Everyone else is going to need food to build troop units so is it going to be harder or easier for the TF to build masses upon masses of troops and not worry about the one critcial thing from AOK? I always ran out of food as it was the one thing everything needed to be built. I think it will be a civ advantage. What do you guys think?
09-05-2001, 8:40 PM
one thing i would do in aok would make calvary archers since they dont cost any food
 die rebel scum
09-05-2001, 8:46 PM
yes they dont need food, but they r much weaker than the average stormtrooper unit that does need food,so like for everytree storm troopers u would need 9 battledroids
09-05-2001, 9:31 PM
One word: Duracell Titanium Batteries. :D What else would B Droids eat? :bdroid1:
09-06-2001, 6:38 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
One word: Duracell Titanium Batteries. :D What else would B Droids eat? :bdroid1:

Perhaps Energisers? They'll keep 'em going, and going, and going..... ;)

Is this just speculation, or is it known that the TF doesn't need food?? :confused: I've never heard about this
09-06-2001, 6:43 PM
maybe the droids would cost ore and nova
 xwing guy
09-06-2001, 6:54 PM
Or nova and carbon?
09-06-2001, 6:57 PM
Originally posted by die rebel scum
yes they dont need food, but they r much weaker than the average stormtrooper unit that does need food,so like for everytree storm troopers u would need 9 battledroids

What? They are the exact same strength....
 Tie Guy
09-06-2001, 8:00 PM
Yes, they are the exact the same strength if you look in the screenshots.

Anyways, they will probably need food just like everyone else, even though that really doesn't make sense. Oh well.....

Anyways, you'll never run out of food in AOK if you just build a lot of farms around your town center.
09-06-2001, 9:23 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Yes, they are the exact the same strength if you look in the screenshots.

Anyways, they will probably need food just like everyone else, even though that really doesn't make sense. Oh well.....

Anyways, you'll never run out of food in AOK if you just build a lot of farms around your town center.

Ugh.......farms. That was sooo annoying before they implemented that queue. Actually it still is annoying for me now, I have absolutely no macro skills :o

On Topic: So, I'm assuming this TF not needing food thing is just speculation and isn't definately in the game?
09-11-2001, 6:16 PM
It would be stupid for them to grow food....everything they have is machine based. Yes it is just speculation but doesn't it make you wonder? Why is it in the movies they use CREDITS as in the cantina in Episode 4 when they book passage and then Solo has them loaded aboard the Falcon, but in the game they are using some crap called NOVA. Will someone please explain the difference? Just what the heck is Nova supposed to be? Energy?
How do you pay someone in energy?
09-11-2001, 7:02 PM
won't the nemodians need food? they aren't driods you know.
 Trade Fed Ed
09-12-2001, 4:05 PM
they need energy cells dont they?
09-12-2001, 6:32 PM
but how are they going to obtain cells from farms? they don't grow and trees and crops... sadly.
09-13-2001, 6:29 PM
First off, I have to say, in AOK not everything that needed food always made since. For instance you don't use food to make chain mail. However, the people who invented it would have to eat while they did so. So, in that since it needed food. The same is true for the droids, someone has to make them.

About the nova/credit thing, you don't mine credits, they are made from something. So, it is my guess that the Nova is somesort of precious metal or something in the Star Wars universe. This is just like Gold today. You don't see people paying for things in Gold do you.
 Admiral Odin
09-13-2001, 7:24 PM
from they way Nova was talked about I think your right. A precious metal.
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