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So, this place isn't used now either?

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 Plo Koon
05-30-2000, 3:18 AM
<font color="yellow"> Well, I guess that leaves the other thing we go to. Oh well, this place was quasi-fun while it lasted.

May God grant us the Wisdom
to discover the right,
the Will
to use it, and the
strength to make it Endure
-Prayer of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table.

[This message has been edited by Plo Koon (edited May 30, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Plo Koon (edited May 30, 2000).]
05-30-2000, 4:04 AM
Well I guess it was whatever you guys made of it...

05-30-2000, 6:27 PM
actually,i would love to continue role playing.but my computer has had problems and i just got them fixed.

------------------ George Lucas:"buy my products!make me money!"
05-31-2000, 10:32 PM
Ya man. RPing rocks...especially when you can involve your charcter (i.e. yourself) It makes things sweet.
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