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Republic Strategies

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07-01-2002, 9:21 PM
Heya guys! I bought SWGB: CC recently and I like to play with the Republic. I play standard games against the computer, starting at T4 immediately, with high resources. What I want is a excellent strategy to go against the computer, and, preferably, against human opponents as well. Please help!!!
07-01-2002, 10:02 PM
Well if you want to take advantage of some of the republics perks, consider that stealthed Jedi Starfighters make excellent spies (especially with sight beyond sight). Put them in no-attack mode and hide them around your enemy's base. Of course it's also helpful to use the sight beyond sight to co-ordinate attacks, makes it easier to keep an eye on your opponents and manuever better (and you can flood fairly easily with troops as well).

07-02-2002, 5:47 PM
Thanks for the help, Krylith. Does anyone else have any ideas?
07-12-2002, 1:53 PM
Build a forward base (ie power core, trooper center, maybe turret) right near your enemies. Then flood 'em with clones!
*evil laugh*
Republic fortresses, with the upgrade, are excellent; be sure to put this ability to good use.
Grab as many holocrons and banthas/nerfs as you can immediately (you'd normally do that i guess); the republic specializes in getting more resources than normal from those things.
Kryllith's Jedi Starfighter spying idea works very well; be warned though, because of the Starfighter's delay before firing, an enemy will ALWAYS get off a shot (or even two) before you do. So think before uncloaking and attacking!
Have fun- the Rep is my favorite civilization and has some great advantages.
Good luck!
07-13-2002, 5:07 AM
If you have all the upgrades the troops are remarkably quick. The cheaper, invisible Jedi would seem to make them an attractive option too.

Build a shield wall at a choke point and instead of putting turrets behind it or a fortress, put a group of five or ten Jedi Masters with a little backup from medics or troopers.

The computer likes to send mechs and fighters to attack the wall. As it does, just have the Jedi turn as many as they can. The computer will start attacking the turned units. When the Jedi are drained, they turn invisible and the computer will go back to attacking the wall. As long as you have a lot of Jedi, though, you should be able to keep turning.

I tried this against the Gungans and never lost a Jedi. Presumably the computer was unable to produce bounty hunters. This will only work against an AI, I'm pretty sure a human would figure out a way to bypass this.
07-13-2002, 5:32 AM
Actually, after typing that I just thought of a much better one.

First: Build a decent defense until you reach Tech-4. I assume everyone knows how to do this by now.

Second: Do all the researches to maximize the trooper-building speed. There's the Kaminoan one, there's the one at the Fortress that builds all units faster and there's the one at the power core that builds everything faster. There might be more, but I can't think of them just now.

Third: Upgrade your troopers to Repeaters. Only build what you need for defense. Do all the laser trooper upgrades in the War Center. Research the Mind Trick and start building Jedi Masters.

Fourth: Build a fleet of Jedi Starfighters and send them out in passive mode to scout the location of all the enemy Troop Centers and stop above them. Since they're invisible and passive they probably won't be attacked. Even if they are, you can find the Troop Centers before they die.

Fifth: Build two or three Jedi Masters for each enemy Troop Center. Build enough Air Transports to hold them all plus two more transports per troop center (they're cheap). You don't need escorts. Research the upgrade at the power core that shields all your power cores.

Sixth: Send the empty transports over to draw AA fire with the full transports right behind. Drop off the Jedi Masters next to the troop centers. The transports only have to live long enough to get the Jedi on the ground, so even if the AA defense is excellent, they should still get the job done.

Execute: Each group of Masters needs to turn a troop center and the nearest power core. As soon as they take a Center, queue 15 Repeater Troopers there and move on to the next one. The troopers get cranked out so quickly that it is likely the enemy will be unable to destroy the centers. They will have trouble destroying the power core because of the shielding. The Jedi are expendable, but if they live, they can go on to wreak even more havoc by turning shield generators, AA turrets, laser turrets, etc.

If you can pull it off at several Troop Centers simultaneously, it might even confound a human player.

Someone please try this and let me know if it works :)
 The Earl
07-31-2002, 8:16 PM
I've got a fairly stable strategy against AI.

I like it simple. So, my strategy is fairly elementary. However, it works pretty good if the enemy base is fairly close to yours.

Get up decent defences around your base, upgrade stuff, get a sizeable defence force and a sizeable attack/scout force. Build and tech up. All the usual.

Get a couple of air cruisers, a couple large squads of laser troopers, some fighters, and perhaps a few mechs. Add onto this around 5 workers.
You use this force to set up a small outpost.

At the nearest safe distance from the enemy base (be sure it is close enough to reinforce, you will need to while the outpost is under construction), well.... send the convoy there.
Be sure to scout the area out before setting up camp.

First, build a fortress. Then, a turret or two. Then, some AA. After this, build a power core. Then a troop center, so you wont have to keep reinforcing. After this, build a shield generator. Build appropriate troops at center. Reinforce fighters and mechs, which are probably depleted by now.

Build unit producing structures as you see fit. Should make a siege much easier. It is also useful for a distraction.

Send a small force out from the outpost, attack a wall or gate or something of theirs. When respectable resistance develops, retreat to the outpost. Then, swing your main force around the base and attack the far side. It will take a while for their defence force to get there. How you assault the base is up to you.


 The Earl
07-31-2002, 8:19 PM
Oh, yeah. Be sure to upgrade your troops to the fullest. You can churn out infantry pretty fast when fully upgraded, and they can do alot of damage. Republican troops (alot of them) supported by air cruisers, fighters, bombers, assault mechs, mech destroyers, perhaps some strike mechs...... well, they are unstoppable.

And be sure to use the Jedi advantages as well!

Earl (again)
03-04-2003, 10:49 AM
1st off..i WORSHIP the republic (literally, i have a shrine to clone troopers in my closet)...

Clone troopers rule, you can make about 5 a second and they cost almost nuthing

a group of 40 FU troops can totally shred an enemy base, even take down a shielded fort w/ enuff time/reinforcements

that coupled with the Republic's air (3rd best in-game IMO) is unstoppable

they're a bit weak (understatement) in the heavy weapons field, so demolitions could b a problem, but that's what Jedi Masters are for

if you're that late in teh game that you're busy massing clones, then put out a few masters, they're like slightly weaker pummels that can turn units

well anyways thats my 2 cents...

and btw, whoever came up with the idea of using masters to convert troop centers/power cores n raping the enemy from inside their own base with their buildings....genius

lol i LOVE using that attack ever since i read it
03-17-2003, 8:54 AM
Originally posted by Artorius
If you have all the upgrades the troops are remarkably quick. The cheaper, invisible Jedi would seem to make them an attractive option too.

Build a shield wall at a choke point and instead of putting turrets behind it or a fortress, put a group of five or ten Jedi Masters with a little backup from medics or troopers.

The computer likes to send mechs and fighters to attack the wall. As it does, just have the Jedi turn as many as they can. The computer will start attacking the turned units. When the Jedi are drained, they turn invisible and the computer will go back to attacking the wall. As long as you have a lot of Jedi, though, you should be able to keep turning.

I tried this against the Gungans and never lost a Jedi. Presumably the computer was unable to produce bounty hunters. This will only work against an AI, I'm pretty sure a human would figure out a way to bypass this.

It's pretty easy to bypass this, use ACs because you can order them to attack ground, for some reason my Assault Mechs can't. Just remember where the Jedi are placed and as soon as they become visible attack the Jedi, use ground attack for this, that way your ACs keep firing after the Jedi are invisible again. Don't worry if you go against comp, the comp doen's remember where your invisible units are.
03-22-2003, 5:58 PM
I have an easy startagey to use for the repuplic. I once used this single stratagy to take out an entire enemy base in tech 4 on standard difficulty with 6 units. What I did was I had two air crusers and 4 jedi starfighters (great escorts). Just use the starfighters to remove opposing units and the cruisers to destroy buildings. You might have to bring in reenforcements but once the base is down just use smome toopers to remove the reamaning unints and knock them out for good. :clone:
04-19-2003, 2:35 AM
ok i stumbled across this when lookin at competition, i dont play comp much, more online RM so this is what i can say about online repub.

1. Make sure you have the following upgrades ([War Center] light,basic,hvy armour primary focusing coils cooling sleeves advanced cooling sleeves kamokian cloners [power core] efficient buildings [fort] Automated processes [troop center]lighter armour, dexterity, and all the other obvious troop center techs (ie range upgrades a must, repeater a must). Republic may have troops that come out superfast but you can only fully utilise that bonus by having a large economy, many workers and all the upgrades.

2. Set up a forward base outside the enemy base with around 5 workers where he wont see them building starting with a troop center, power core, fortress, 3 more troop centers then a sheild generator leaving quite a shielded area out the front of your fortress, but still so its shielding your fortress.

3. After you;ve gotten all the neccesary troop center upgrades start making repeaters galore. Once your fort is done starting making cannons and deploying them on the nearest building.

4. If your enemy is making strike mechs get explosive yld's increased from the troop center, and perhaps grenadier training from the war center and starting adding a few grenaders into your repeater troopers.

5. Once your attack is underway keep your repeaters in front of the cannon. They should chew up most things in masses, your main trouble will be units such as air cruisers and assualt mechs, so make sure your prepared for an attack as such like that

6. Once your forward base is built (with about 4 troop centers) move your forward builders (guys who you built the base out front of your enemies with) to another side of his base just where he wont see them. Build a troop center then power core, right click your rally point inside your troop center so when your repeaters are created they are created inside your troop center. This will give you the element of suprise. Make 2 more troop centers then move to another side of his base, and repeat.

Your cannons should of torn down his base by now.
again im not sure how effective vs comps this is but it definly works on the zone vs even decent players. (FYI standard RM settings are starting in tech 1 with the "standard" option selected for resources and stardard for may reveal).

hope that helps.
05-04-2003, 7:30 PM
Always keep your jedi and other stealth units on stand ground, otherwise they will start to attack everything they see and lose their stealth because of this. And remember where the enemy has his stealth units and attack them with ground fire/bombard. (only until he had the chance to move them somewhere save, off course)
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