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set phasers to stun

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 Cracker Jackson
04-03-2000, 8:27 PM
does anyone use the stun setting? and if so why? and when? are the specific messions where its beter to stunpeople then kill? i know in the second mission where you capture the sandcrawler they saw that you should use the stunsetting but by the time i heard that id already killed the jawas so i really didnt care and id rather have a dead rebel then a stuned one.
04-03-2000, 10:30 PM
The stun setting is a good idea done bad. It would have been nice to easily stun or disable units, but unfortunately it is not easy at all. You have to pick a single trooper, select the stun setting then pick the target. This is extremely difficult when faced with several units. It would have been nice to set a whole squad to stun other than a single unit at a time.

04-04-2000, 11:22 PM
apparently stun is necessary for Abridon 2, (which I just started), 'cuz you need to capture 6 rebel dignitaries alive and return them to your base (actually some mission-specific "prison platform" building) You're right about the nuisance of not being able to arm the whole squad with secondary weapons- it sucks. I'll let you all know if I encounter problems...
 Cracker Jackson
04-06-2000, 10:05 AM
i didnt use stun for that mission i just killed every rebel and then took the dignataries to the prison platform.
kinda od who you capture at the end though.
 Zen Master Yoda
04-09-2000, 4:51 PM
For those who think it is impossible to have a whole squad stun at the same can be done! Just select a group of Stormtroopers and hit T. Then, right-click on your target and BOOM!, they'll stun 'em.

Zen Master Yoda
Trainer of Zen Jedi
"Wars make not one great."
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