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What units would you add with a mod?

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09-03-2001, 8:28 PM
What units would all of you want added with a mod? I know I want a Millenium Falcon and a Sandcrawler. But who knows those could be a Gaia unit.
09-03-2001, 8:36 PM
09-03-2001, 8:41 PM
The Falcon is in the Scenario Editor.
09-03-2001, 10:57 PM
I would love to put in B-wing/B-wing expanded, E-wing, V-wing, Tie Defenders, Tie Droids, Scimitar Assault Bombers
09-04-2001, 12:06 AM
I'd really like to have the hero units that they don't put in the game :)
Axar, are you planning to make a mod for this game? I had a similar thread like this a long time ago but no one really knew what I was talking about :(
 Admiral Odin
09-04-2001, 9:05 AM
Remove the 4 engined y-wing and put the B-wing in its place. Any other changes will have to wait until I played the game.
 Link Antilles
09-04-2001, 1:22 PM
A Ssi-ruuk, V-wings, and Firespray.
09-04-2001, 1:27 PM
Originally posted by Link Antilles
Ssi-ruuks, V-wings, and Firespray.
Why the V-wing? :confused:
 Admiral Odin
09-04-2001, 1:51 PM
and the Ssi-Ruuk are an entire civ. Not just some units.....

V-wing would be an upgrade to the rebel snow speeder I think.
09-04-2001, 1:52 PM
'Cos, the V-wing is cool... I think Boba Fetts ship is in the game, if thats what you mean by firespray... ;)
09-04-2001, 2:01 PM
Originally posted by Admiral Odin
and the Ssi-Ruuk are an entire civ. Not just some units.....

V-wing would be an upgrade to the rebel snow speeder I think.
But the V-wing didn't come from the Snowspeeder. Why would it be an upgrade from it :confused:
 Tie Guy
09-04-2001, 2:56 PM
Originally posted by Kvan

But the V-wing didn't come from the Snowspeeder. Why would it be an upgrade from it :confused:

But the B-wing didn't come from the Y-wing. Why would it be an upgrade from it :confused: ;)

Anways, i'd like the TIE Crawler, the MTAT, the Tank Droid, the A9, the A-wing as an actual unit in regular play, the e-wing, and the B-wing. As you can see i think that ever civ needs more aircraft.
09-04-2001, 3:18 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy

But the B-wing didn't come from the Y-wing. Why would it be an upgrade from it :confused: ;)

Anways, i'd like the TIE Crawler, the MTAT, the Tank Droid, the A9, the A-wing as an actual unit in regular play, the e-wing, and the B-wing. As you can see i think that ever civ needs more aircraft.
WHAT?! :confused:
The Expanded B-Wing should be an Upgrade from the regular B-wing.
Whats with you and the A9's Tie?
09-04-2001, 5:09 PM
I'd like to see that AT-IC that Rommel posted a pic of a while back. That'd be a great tactical unit.
09-04-2001, 5:13 PM
Originally posted by Gamma732
I'd like to see that AT-IC that Rommel posted a pic of a while back. That'd be a great tactical unit.
AT-IC? Whats that?
BTW I like your Ghost, it goes good with your name
09-04-2001, 5:17 PM
09-04-2001, 5:19 PM
Oh, yeah that....thing...
Why would you want something so odd looking?
BTW rommel your pms need clearing
09-04-2001, 5:25 PM
Pms are cleared, sir... you may commence messaging... ;)
 Tie Guy
09-04-2001, 7:59 PM
Originally posted by Kvan
Whats with you and the A9's Tie?

Nthing, i just think it would make a good air unit. Along with the b-wing, a-wing and e-wing. I have it as my avatar coz it is a cool imperial craft that n one has or has even heard of.
09-04-2001, 8:00 PM
I would put in as much Chiss stuff as i could think of, as well as B-wings, V-wings, K-wings, and TIE Defenders. :D

BTW How do you use StarCraft pics like that? I waant to make a protoss one. :D
09-04-2001, 8:05 PM
Originally posted by Thrawn
I would put in as much Chiss stuff as i could think of, as well as B-wings, V-wings, K-wings, and TIE Defenders. :D

BTW How do you use StarCraft pics like that? I waant to make a protoss one. :D
So if they don't put Chiss in are you going to learn how to make modifications to the game to add them?
09-04-2001, 9:13 PM
Good luck modding any more than the graphics and unit names of SWGB.

No one's ever been able to crack the AoK engine.
09-04-2001, 9:33 PM
The Snow Speeder was basically a cheap military grade low altitude speeder converted for Snow ops. (operations). A V-wing is a high altitude faster speeder, I would bet it would be a better anti-snub/starfighter unit then a A-wing it lacks missiles like a A-wing (Rogue Squadron didn’t get that correct) it has 2 laser cannons with the range of 2 kilometers and is very fast

But a upgrade to a V-wing would not give it the ATAT take down ability as a Snow Speeder has, but who says they need to fallow book rules like in Rogue Squadron
09-04-2001, 9:33 PM
Originally posted by AoErat
Good luck modding any more than the graphics and unit names of SWGB.

No one's ever been able to crack the AoK engine.
Well yeah, thats about what I was expecting :)
 Link Antilles
09-04-2001, 10:59 PM
I think will I would just leave the as it is. ( but, ad one Ssi-ruuk unit.)

Aoks was fine - till I wanted to ad Star Wars Factions in it!

Once I hear of GB I stop typing the stats of Rebel units.

:p :p :) :) :D :joy: :laughing:
 Admiral Thrawn
09-05-2001, 12:43 PM
Ooo Yea!:p :D
09-05-2001, 12:48 PM
Personally, I shall create the Criminal and Vong civs. Maybe I'll also use Rebel units and Imperial units as well as Wookie and Gangun units in them.
 Admiral Thrawn
09-05-2001, 1:08 PM
I would make the Noghri!
09-05-2001, 1:11 PM
Originally posted by Admiral Thrawn
I would make the Noghri!
As a Civ or just units in a Civ?
09-05-2001, 3:36 PM
I'm going to be very greedy and unrealistic and say..........................

09-05-2001, 3:41 PM
Tah, well I'm going for the DEATH STAR. It'll be powerful but fragile. :deathstar :deathii: .
 Captain Fett
09-05-2001, 8:09 PM
As long as i get my trandoshans in the x-pak and it has the Slave I i don't need to add a thing. Only prob is there is no way they could fit all the stuff that's on the Slave I.
09-07-2001, 8:44 AM
Well maybe i will add the A-wing and TIE Defender.
09-07-2001, 3:06 PM
Well, your wish is half granted. :D THe A-wing will be part of the game. :D Thank me anytime for the info. :D
09-07-2001, 4:50 PM
Well thanks Thrawn.
09-07-2001, 5:39 PM
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