Are there any reliable sites for FC? I know the game is kind of far off, but every good game needs an online community. At some point in the near future I'll probably start a site related to this game.
This game seems soooooo far, far away.
Hey my site has lots of content and a ubb like this please pass the word
Wedge, I was just at your site, but I couldn't see any of the screenshots under "screens". Is it just me or are those pics not working?
oh if they are down that means i have to fix em lemme check
Hey Wedge,
Cool site! If you need any staff I'd be glad to help out.
Darth mallrat, I could use some staff at my site, ( I have an FC section there (that needs to be updated) and an Obi-Wan section is on the way. Wanna help?
-UkeNuke (
The Darkside? I've been there. Do your worst.
Great site Darth Mallrat! Any room on your staff for a newsposter who isn't totally proficient in HTML?
Sorry, I meant to say that to thrawn.