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Ki-adi Mundi in JPB?

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04-29-2000, 6:40 AM
The13Jedi brought out a good point on the JPB forum. He found that in the Credits, someone did the voice for Ki-adi. What are your thoughts?

 Jedi Kanigget
04-29-2000, 5:11 PM
You must have missed it, ShadeShifter, someone discovered that in the credits of the booklet about a week or so ago. It means he's in it, that's for sure. As for what he does...that's the mystery.


Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)
04-29-2000, 6:20 PM
Oop, I guess they posteded it before I got to the forum.

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