Ugh, no HTML in here. How wude.
Anyways, why would we not let Yoda here?!He of all people needs to know about this.Oh and did anyone else notice that DarthJustin made an appearance in this forum on the 27th?!He'll probably come back and figure this all out with his stupid and twisted mind.
I think we should go to Kanigget's site.Hey, Kanigget, maybe we come move your site to or something, and then when people get suspicous and come to your Homestead site looking for us, they can't find us. We need to really work hard on keeping this a secret.
~A Jedi Knight?!I'm out of it for a little while and everyone grows up.~
[This message has been edited by Adi_Gallia (edited April 29, 2000).]