The one thing I was hoping for from Clone Campaigns was the addition of players on the zone. This has happened with over 600 now online playing either Galactic Battlegrounds or Clone Campaigns.
So, get yourself on down to the zone...its free and fun.
Sweet, I just started a Zone account and I will be checking out multiplayer with this game. I have had it for a long time but never played multi with this one.
I dont know why either, I really enjoy RTS multiplayer games.
I'll wait abit for abit more time and see if the expansion is worth it as I like to play regularly and there's not that many right now.. If I hear about it going to at least 700 players, I'll reconsider afterwords as the numbers could very well rise once more.
If everyone waited for the numbers to hit 700, there will be no one playing!
It has reached over 650 now - so come along and join the fun. The more playing, the more fun it is for everyone and it adds another dimension to the game.
ppl got inspired by episode 2
Well, it's either Black Hawk Down or the expansion and I'll take BHD :D. I might hint for the game on my birthday though (aka, Canada Day :D)...
Well when I play GB on the Zone it isn't that bad but I DON'T reccomend anyone play any other games. If you want to play other games I reccomend Gamespy or another Gaming Network.
It is becuase UK and some other Europeans got CC now!
yeah but they didint care about swgb but they care about CC bcoz of the movie ...
MY 200ste post AND I BECOME!!!!..... an ewok???????
i think a battle droid was better:confused:
The ranks are kinda screwed up-like.
Mine will go from Jawa to Gungan.:confused: