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Jedi kicker helper

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05-24-2000, 6:21 PM
How do i accsess jedi kicker helper in the multiplayer game online at MSN gameing zone i have it so it is on the top of my screen as a browser but how do i use it in the game would appreciate the help clonnie!!!

Thank you
02-11-2012, 3:46 AM
All these years later, JK/MotS is still alive and so is Kicker Helper!

You just run it in the background. I was able to install it in Windows 7.

Alt+Tab out of the game and then do what you need to do in KH (keep it running the whole time), then Alt+tab back into the game.
02-29-2012, 12:23 AM
Seems there might be some problems running it in Win7 after all with the renaming function. Somebody needs to update this program... :(

People ought to post on the forums and to see if someone is up to the task!
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