When the Space Expansion comes out, will we then be able to communicate with headsets??
Or will we also be able to communicate without the Space Expansion??
Zarga was here............
The only thing we know about the space expansion is that you will be ably to fly numerous ships.... we know nothing more than that.
-Wraith 8-
Yes, support for Roger Wilco or any other vocal communication feature would be nice. Though, it is far too far into the future to speculate about it now. But yeah, dreaming is allowed ;)
Doesnt CounterStrike have something like this in their game?
Would be cool for them fighters :)
I know i'd love to do some tie-hunting :)
Originally posted by Ascari
Doesnt CounterStrike have something like this in their game?
Well, communication applications like Roger Wilco supports a lot of games, though MMORPGs are often not very cooperative with other programs, to the length of not allowing Alt-Tabbing. This is partly to stop cheating with macros and such evil things.
Originally posted by setsuko
Well, communication applications like Roger Wilco supports a lot of games, though MMORPGs are often not very cooperative with other programs, to the length of not allowing Alt-Tabbing. This is partly to stop cheating with macros and such evil things.
I didnt mean Roger Wilco,
But I believe that in CounterStrike u see people blapping around, and my brother who doesnt have a communication program could hear it. It's suppose to be pretty annoying hearing 11 year olds screaming but hell....