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Getting ORIGINAL FT to run in Windows 2000/XP

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06-03-2002, 7:10 PM
With the new Full Throttle in development, I thought I'd celebrate by replaying the old classic. Took out the old CD, and with excitement got ready to install.....

.... and then came the errors.

NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
CS:c000 IP:f3e2 OP:ff ff eb 05 ea Choose 'Close' to terminate the application

I've tried everything I can think of.. set memory to max for the shortcut properties.. tried installing from my hard drive instead of CD. Tried using all 4 versions of dos4gw.exe on the CD. No luck. Also installed SoundFX to fix the sound emulation issue. Error pops up no matter what.

Currently, this problem is occuring on BOTH Windows 2000 AND Windows XP, with plenty of RAM, space, and processing speed.

Anyone else having the same problem? Any known workarounds?

06-04-2002, 1:49 PM
Did you try using LEC Quick & Easy ( . It works for me.
06-04-2002, 3:27 PM
I have tried Quick And Easy 3. A DOS window opens, the script runs, and after it calls throttle.exe, the window dies.

My Q+E.bat file is:
cd "C:\Quick And Easy"\
dosdrv -i:lucasvdm.ini
cd C:\throttle\

I think that Quick And Easy 3 assumes that the game has already been installed properly. The problem is that the error occurs during installation, and I am forced to manually copy files (imuse.exe, throttle.exe, & dos4gw.exe) - which doesnt work.

I am trying all this on a laptop. Perhaps it will work when I try on a desktop later this week. Was just wondering if I was the only one with this particular error.

 The Adventurer
06-04-2002, 4:08 PM
FT runs fine on WinME, how much different is 2000 and XP operating systems to cause all those problems?

Realy the only problems I have with old adventure games is Indy FoA, and Day of the Tentical have no music. And Sam and Max has no Sound. Everything else seems ok.... But does anyone have any segesgens about the three I'm having problems with?
06-04-2002, 4:28 PM
Windows 2000 and XP are NT-based operating systems. There's a world of difference, although they look basically similar to ME.
06-04-2002, 7:41 PM
I suggest getting a Mac and running the Mac version. Assuming you turn off the VM swapfile it runs perfectly (and at double the resolution with booyutiful smoothing) and rocks. The end.

Or LEC Q&E, that works too.
06-04-2002, 7:56 PM
Originally posted by Jake
I suggest getting a Mac and running the Mac version. Assuming you turn off the VM swapfile it runs perfectly (and at double the resolution with booyutiful smoothing) and rocks. The end.

Wouldn't it be easier to install Windows 98 together with XP (That's called dual-boot if I'm not mistaken) instead of running out and buying a new computer just to play FT? :D
06-04-2002, 9:29 PM
Windows 98 still sucks at playing old DOS games, although it's easier than ME.
06-13-2002, 6:03 PM
Pokerdan: you need to specify where ft is installed in the options (which is usually c\throttle).
Vdmsound also has to be installed on the same drive as q+e.

Try running throttle.exe manually, if it doesnt run then the problems with your ft installation, not q+e. Any further problems post on the help section and ill try and help you.

Oh and dual-bootings not worth it really, much easier to use vdmsound, having the disks partitioned in fat32, is just one disadvantage of dual booting...
06-17-2002, 9:11 PM
Thanks bgbennyboy for the help, and for Q&E 3.

I actually gave up on getting FT to work on my laptop, but was successful getting it to run on my desktop. The game brought back memories :)

There must have been some incompatibility with the laptop, although I haven't a clue as to why.

07-07-2002, 6:54 AM
Originally posted by Dalixam

Wouldn't it be easier to install Windows 98 together with XP (That's called dual-boot if I'm not mistaken) instead of running out and buying a new computer just to play FT? :D

Not with a 14gig HD :D
 Ben Whatsisname
07-15-2002, 3:50 PM
Also, win98/me has a memory issue of crapping out with a "not enough memory" error when running on a pc with more than 512 megs of ram. For some people, going back to win98/me might not be a solution, considering the cheap price of ram these days. I have gotten full throttle to run using VMWare - By installing that under windows 2000, setting my "ram" in vmware to 256, and installing win98 under vmware. Then I put the game in, set up the sound, and played.

Downside is that vmware is a tad expensive.
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