How strong do you think they should be?
I chose ultimate killing machines! :D
i think that they should be strong but not too fast. i voted for strong and slow, but maybe strong be modrate would suvice. you wouldn't want them to be too strong and unbalance the game.(hey, its a comon excuse)
Well, from the E3 movie clip the Sith Lord was kicking Rebel a$$..I wonder how much health he had left after that engagement:)
I think they should be strong, but not fast. a little slower then regular infantry.
In case u dont remember. From Jedi Knight:DF2 there was Force Speed
I voted ultimate killing machines! Their only weaknesses should be the cost, mech, and bounty hunters.
shouldn't they be good agaist mechs. they could just walk up ... and casualy hack off a leg:D :D
if these guys were ultimate killing machines, then whoever reaches TL4 first could win. too powerful units ruin a game, i think they should be pretty powerful but not too fast, how else would you have a shot at killing them if they keep moving around?
remember that the movies could be from 'rigged' games where they gave a unit extra health for showing off it's abilities.
doubtful, but a possibility nonetheless. I voted ult. killing machine too, because a slow Jedi doesn't exist in my opinion.
They should be strong but slow then have a tech called force speed.
i voter strong and slow because if there strong and fast they are just going to kill everything
Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA
i voter strong and slow because if there strong and fast they are just going to kill everything
Not everything. Your flying units should be able to keep there distance. :)
So u r saying u want Jedi 2 be like Teutonic Knights from AoE.
No way, their weakness would be air units so they wont dominate everything!
:naboo:--- :maul: :saberr:
if they had done the force commander bolt blocking thing then they wouldn't be easily damaged by aircraft but they couldn't hurt them at all. BUT NO. they put in a armor upgrade. in the movies i didn't see too many jedi get shot a few thousand times. they relied on skill no strength.
How do you know that jedi can't block laser bolts?An armour upgrade hasn't been confirmed yet... ;)
Originally posted by trade fed fred
They should be strong but slow then have a tech called force speed.
This is a nifty idea. :D
i think the jedi should be all they are in the movies. ultimate killing macheines. i mean look at the way they wipe out the battle droids in episode 1... thats the ways they should be in the game :D
All you have to do to stop them is build a few mechs, and some bounty hunters, not really a problem i don't think, but if you've got can say goodbye to them.
Originally posted by Paladin
So u r saying u want Jedi 2 be like Teutonic Knights from AoE.
No way, their weakness would be air units so they wont dominate everything!
:naboo:--- :maul: :saberr:
That was my favorite unit. I think the Jedi should be just like them. Very good but not great.
Strong and Fast.
It's also depends on the Civ.
For example:
The Wookies Jedis should have high attack power, but low speed.
Well, i chose other. My thoughts on this is that the Jedi should be strong and fast, because thats what they are in the SW universe. But, i guess in a game like this, you need to balance the units, one way or another, so they should be strong and slow, but, still be fast. Say like your Jedi is just patrolling around, and he see's a lone trooper, he should then have a "force speed" thing (like trade fed fred said) enabling him to speed over and take out that infantry quickly.
Strong, but slow... or else they would be the ultimate killing machine ;)