I dont read Star Wars stuff so this might be obvious to the informed, but doesnt The Supreme Chancelor look and sound alot like the Emperor that Dooku talks to at the end. Are they the same person??
They did say that there were Dark forces within the council. Is the SC actually working within the council and causing war to to cause problems even though he says hes good hes really the Emperor. Any body know for sure or am i way off base.
Yes, and it has been confirmed recently. Now change the subject quickly, before I change you ;)
Really wow I was right and I dont even know about Star Wars outside of the movies. I rock lol jk.
Hmmm change the subject eh. ............Im thinkin..............hold on........Dookus lightsaber looked like he was holding a semi erect penis in his hand.
Nice thoughts you have there..maybe a better idea is to let this fall eh? ;)
Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El
Yes, and it has been confirmed recently. Now change the subject quickly, before I change you ;)
Not only that but the same actor has played Palpatine/Emperor since ROTJ: Ian Mc Dermott