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if we did a chatroom idea (see other thread) what time...

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 Wraith 5
08-29-2001, 9:38 AM
Ok so what time would you like to meet to play.

please put it in est (gmt -5, well right now it is gmt -4 because of daylight saving time.)

I can be here any time after 19:30 to about 23:30 est (this time is in daylight saving time.)

When school starts I may be able to be here for about an hour or two during the day.
08-29-2001, 12:12 PM
Ok, right now it looks like Mon. and Wed. I can be on at anytime.
Tues. I go to school 7-10pm pst (so thats what, 10-1am EST?)
Thursday is out for me, I have too much to do that day and don't know if I can make it most the time. Friday; my afternoon is usually taken till about 6pm EST. Saturday ad Sunday I'm free.
08-29-2001, 4:50 PM
Thrawn's Schedule

Sunday: After 1:00 pm
Monday-Friday: After 3:00 pm
Saturday: All day

These times are EST.

That help?
08-29-2001, 6:32 PM
Originally posted by thrawn12786
Thrawn's Schedule

Sunday: After 1:00 pm
Monday-Friday: After 3:00 pm
Saturday: All day

These times are EST.

That help?
What do you do on Sunday that lasts till 1pm?! :confused:
08-29-2001, 6:39 PM
Maybe... church ;)
08-30-2001, 12:10 AM
I don't know what times on week days I'll be on precisely, until October(I work @ a minor league baseball stadium so my hours get weird at times). As for the weekends, Sat. and Sun. night I'll definately be on. I'll most likely be free during the weekend daytime too.
08-30-2001, 4:17 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel
Maybe... church ;)

Ding, ding, ding! Three points for Rommel. Yup I go to church one Sunday mornings. I don't mind going, it's just that the service finishes at 11:00 am, but my dad has to stay forever and talk to people and stuff, which is really boring. We don't get home till 12:30 or 1:00 and then we have to eat lunch. :(
08-30-2001, 4:29 PM
ok friday is deffinately out but saturdays sound good for me unless something comes up
 Tie Guy
08-30-2001, 6:05 PM
saturdays are normally fine for me, except i don't get up till around 11:30 eastern. Also, any weekday day after about 3:00 eastern is good for me.
 General Nilaar
08-31-2001, 7:06 PM
Hmm.... if we do the chat room thing, I'd suggest just making it one day a week, always at the same time. Otherwise it might be a problem getting everyone together.

Saturday would seem to be the best day. Most people have that day off school/work and I think that would work best for me as well.

How many people are in this thing? I don't know the number but it seems to me that there's a lot of us. How are you going to handle that Wraith? Doesn't seem like the traditional party/group is going to work;)
08-31-2001, 7:16 PM
Originally posted by General Nilaar
Hmm.... if we do the chat room thing, I'd suggest just making it one day a week, always at the same time. Otherwise it might be a problem getting everyone together.

Saturday would seem to be the best day. Most people have that day off school/work and I think that would work best for me as well.

How many people are in this thing? I don't know the number but it seems to me that there's a lot of us. How are you going to handle that Wraith? Doesn't seem like the traditional party/group is going to work;)
Well we do have a few people. YD decided not to play though :( I still don't know why *sniff* *sniff* But we still have a lot of people :)
 Wraith 5
09-02-2001, 5:49 PM
Sorry i have been gone the last few days, but they were hard...

(no one i know died or was hurt, it was just hard.)

so if yd is out that puts us at 19, (including me) but that includes a few people how are still unconfermed, so that would put us at probaly 15, and we still have to play the teaching game and that may lose us a few more (i hope not, but you never know).

so we will be at about 10-15.

I am thinking about trying to run 2 games, one that will be done in the chat rooms, and one that will be done on the fourms posting, I have had a few people tell me that they couldn't be on more then an hour, and if we are only going to play once a week, we will most likly want to play more like 3-4 hours.

So that is the plan, but only about 5-10 people have said what they would like to do, or want time they could play.

I have to read everything to find out and see what i missed.
09-04-2001, 12:01 AM
I just found out that I won't be able to make and sat night games unless their late(after 11pm est)
09-04-2001, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Gamma732
I just found out that I won't be able to make and sat night games unless their late(after 11pm est)
Oh....:( Why not?
09-05-2001, 4:38 PM
Baseball games run late. And since my local team is a good one, their in the post season which lasts into October
 Tie Guy
09-05-2001, 8:06 PM
Well, i'm normally on for exorbitant amount of hours and about 2 times a day. One when i get home from school, ad one at night. I could go for a chat room game i guess, although i'd rather do it in a forum. Oh well, i'm not bailing out on you guys now.
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