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jedi vs. jedi?

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 trade fed fred
08-28-2001, 6:58 PM
When two jedi fight do they just hack away at each ohther like two swordsmen in AoK or do they block each others attacks?
:evanpiel: :saberg:
 Lord JayVizIon
08-28-2001, 6:59 PM
i haven't seen any jedi battle in any of the movies i saw for this game. however, i'm willing to bet they may just hack away at each other. pretty cool thought though...
08-28-2001, 7:06 PM
It would be really cool if there was an upgrade called block. It would add like 25% defense bonus against other Jedi. That, would be cool! :D
08-28-2001, 8:32 PM
that's almost saying 2 have a research called *shooting the gun do u think a jedi is retarded :confused: :eek:
08-28-2001, 8:52 PM
:) They would hack each other! cool! or if you want to win gang up on it.! like this :mob:
08-28-2001, 9:09 PM
Originally posted by trade fed fred
When two jedi fight do they just hack away at each ohther like two swordsmen in AoK or do they block each others attacks?
:evanpiel: :saberg:

They'll just hack... :(
 Tie Guy
08-28-2001, 9:17 PM
Actually, they don't just hack at anything. They do cool little jump attacks and cross slashes. They'll probably do the same to each other. It looks really cool. It in the 3rd movie i think if you want to see it.
08-28-2001, 9:23 PM
So, is it just Jedi, or can you get things like :fett: as well?

:explode: (this is sick, I like it!)
 Admiral Odin
08-28-2001, 9:48 PM
Jedi are just a unit in the game that is all. You will be able to get bounty hunters, mechs, air units and others.
08-29-2001, 11:20 AM
I really really really really really hope they make it so two jedi will fight each other. Just like in the movies. Then it would be the training that decides who wins. That would be sooooooo cool. I don't care if I have to wait for the game an extra 3 months or so. Please make it so jedi fight each other not just hack.
 trade fed fred
08-29-2001, 11:23 AM
I don't know about that three months is a preety long time to delay.
:bdroid2: :bdroid2: :amidala: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:
08-29-2001, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Actually, they don't just hack at anything. They do cool little jump attacks and cross slashes. They'll probably do the same to each other. It looks really cool. It in the 3rd movie i think if you want to see it.

I like how in the movie they are shooting the sith and he's just walking around killing them without a care.

I cant wait!!!:emperor:
 trade fed fred
08-29-2001, 5:30 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Actually, they don't just hack at anything. They do cool little jump attacks and cross slashes. They'll probably do the same to each other. It looks really cool. It in the 3rd movie i think if you want to see it.
Ireally hope they have stuff like this in the game too Dorsk:D :D :D
08-29-2001, 8:01 PM
Oh yeah... there is a different variety of hacking! ;)
08-29-2001, 9:55 PM
i am unformailar with programing. would it really take three months to make them parry?!
 Admiral Odin
08-30-2001, 6:30 PM
I would bet longer, (who knows what bugs it could cause)

I personally am happy with Jedi hacking each other. I wonder what color will the lightsabers be, (maybe random, or the color of your civ?)
 Tie Guy
08-30-2001, 6:39 PM
Well G, many things about the game take several months, but you must remember that they are working on them at the same time, so even though it may seem like on thing takes forever, they all are finshied by the end. Its not like they finish the art work, then move on to the programming, then redo the artwork, then debug the programming. At least, most people don't do it that way.

As for your question, all it would really take is a few new animations and a random no damage code, but that wouldn't be very noticable, and it would take a while to have them dance around the screen in a huge battle.
08-30-2001, 6:40 PM
i'd say random is a good bet, OR red for Sith and green for good jedi. that way you still have the distinction.
the only way to see the colors on sabers really good is when they are slashing anyway..
 Admiral Odin
08-30-2001, 7:13 PM
I like your idea of Sith having red blades and Jedi a mix of blue and green.
08-30-2001, 7:39 PM
I'm almost sure that lightsabers will be the same color as that of your team. All the Jedi/Sith in the screenshots have the same color lightsabers as their teams. :D
 Admiral Odin
08-30-2001, 9:24 PM
I have yet to see a screen shot of the Jedi. where are they?
 Tie Guy
08-31-2001, 3:16 PM
Her ya go. look in the top left hand corner and you will see him. aginan, top left, you can't miss him
08-31-2001, 7:39 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Her ya go. look in the top left hand corner and you will see him. aginan, top left, you can't miss him

In that first picture he's more to the top left-center than left. :)

I also just noticed that there is a bounty hunter in that picture too. To the left a little bit more than halfway down.
 xwing guy
08-31-2001, 10:04 PM
Yes it appears that the jedi and sith lightsaber colors are the same colors as there civ.
08-31-2001, 10:06 PM
Gaber pointed that out:D
Also the robe have a lining that is also the same as the civ (in the pic the Sith has red belt)
 Admiral Odin
09-01-2001, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Her ya go. look in the top left hand corner and you will see him. aginan, top left, you can't miss him

Thank you. It sure I like the double blade.
09-26-2001, 11:37 PM
well "programming" time wouldent take that long.....but you would have to make quite a few more frames of animation...that just ain't worth it in the end :)
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