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quick question bout demorecorder?

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 IK rc
05-12-2002, 11:16 PM
alright first off im no computer genius and i never pretend to be. so that in mind i was hoping to get a bit of help.

im big into the idea of recording jkII fights. mostly cause i think they are fun to watch. I know I know quite the loser arent I?

anyway i d/l the demorecorder by teamfusion and cant exactly figure it out. lol. well i can record and stop recording but after that im not so sure.

im not even totally sure where the comp is putting them. and after i find where its putting them, what do i need to play them?

as of now im assuming that is what is in the demos file. im not sure though cause i took six demos on my first outing and only three were there. so like i said im clueless. and if those were what i took how on earth do i play em?
05-13-2002, 4:09 PM
First of all you can only record demos in a multiplayer game. There's no especial for playing the demo files, you have to do that in game . Click on "play" then "play demo" . Now select the demo you want to watch.
 IK rc
05-13-2002, 6:04 PM
thx man. i finally figured that the other night. i was hoping for something that would let me watch it on something like windows media player.

i had previously tried the camtasia program but jkii pretty much locks ya out when its up and running. besides tht it would produce low frame rates and some lag.

thx again man. appreciate the help.
 ILL Robinson
05-14-2002, 12:33 AM
An "easy" way to record: use the video out of your 3D card to a camcorder. Then recapture the video and edit to create MPGs. This is much easier process if you own a miniDV camera & Firewire card.

btw, check out ( when you have the moment -- myself & others using game engines to develop animated films. A thread has just been started about using JK2 for films.
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