Help me i get this error when i try to start a singleplayer game or join a multiplayer game... this is my first time runnin JK2 and i just installed it and i also already got the update i dunno why it isnt working.. PLEASE help
Couldn't find image for shader [NoMaterial]
2 teams with 4 entities
----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
----- Server Shutdown -----
==== ShutdownGame ====
... ICARUS_Shutdown
... Reference Tags Cleared
... Navigation Data Cleared
... Ghoul2 Models Shutdown
Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x49 0x44