:maul: when can we expect a demo to be released for this game, and what will it include?:confused: :confused: :confused:
Probably never, but they may come out with one later. If they do it will probably have one level and that's it. They may give you a brief taste of the editor.
BUZZZ!! Wrong forum! Read the descriptions!
I have asked that!! just DONT ask everything what others has asked already!:c3po:
its okay, maybe he hasn't read your yet
Lets demote him to Captain Maul, for his ignorance:D
Let's not. That's an honest question that i wish i had the answer for. I'd love to see teh demo, so let up a bit, eh?
Hey, go easy on the newbies, guys. :)
Is this forum like Two Days old? The oldest post I can find is from the 27th. So we are in a sense all Newbies.
I agree, after all, everyone here is a newbie right now.
Well believe it or not this is one of the more civilized forums I've been on. You should have seen Strange Earth.. (Its closed now though)
I got promoted Yay *Throws confetti in the air*
Congratulations, what was "Strange Earth" like?
It had some of the more errrr.. "interesting" people you could ever meat. There was the Scuba Steve Fan Club, An Internet Transsexual, and a person who would ban people for showing opposite political views....
Originally posted by DarthMaul
:maul: when can we expect a demo to be released for this game, and what will it include?:confused: :confused: :confused:
What am I a doctor?
Haha :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
What, do you get it? Someone please tell me.
:maul: Dont worry Tie Guy....I don;t get it either.... BTW I didn't know that captain was a sith rank :p
Han Solo:" Yea, just as I thought....They were chewing on the power cables" ESB.....Did I do the quote thingy right?
I didn't get it either.....:confused: :confused: :confused: ok now im confused
Han Solo:" Yea, just as I thought....They were chewing on the power cables" ESB.....Did I do the quote thingy right?
Confuzzleing. Umm AHH ITS EL POLLO DIABLO!
how do I get one of those lil pics under my name...I want one:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
"Yep, just as I thought....They were chewing on the power cables" Han Solo from ESB
Read the 'AVATAR' topic :bdroid2:
:maul: hows my avator look?:D :D :D :D :D
You should find an avatar, Leon?
yeah, i know... i'll try to get free webspace and put it up.
any suggestions on that ?
yes, your hard drive :D
You can just upload it if you want, but it looks like you've already solved that problem, and rather nicely at that.
why thank you... :cool:
i was juggling between a vehicle or a person.
but a person makes you look more....human. LOL !
i'm already thinking about that Senate-thing with the Avatars..
you could have a page set-up where all avatars that are logged in would gather...
that would looks cool, wouldn't it ?
Yeah, i'd guess it would look cool, but what would the point be?