You Can DO Anything at ZomboCom
The infinite is possible at ZomboCom
The untainable is unknown at ZomboCom
the truly f*cked is manifested at zombocom
ive had this thing set as my homepage
those balls are hypnotic
It sucks in a big way. But then again i couldnt do any better.
Zombocom has always been awesome :D
Was it here before I registrated?
It's not worth the server space.
I love zombocom. Found it about a year ago and sometimes I just put it on and chill. :p
Yea, Zombocom is fun..i was saying it at school(recorded as a .wav, transferred to a .mp3, put it on mp3 playa') and started playin it. It was quite fun, untill, i almost got the **** beat out of me.
Thats because you love jawas not because of your mp3 dumbass. You probably nicked it anyhow because thats what jawas do. Filthy bag of fly ridden cloth.
Heyyy! Thats not nice, My clan now has a Disliking towards you(Jawa Clan not Jk2 clan...) Grrrrrrr!
::steals your little fetty helmet and runs off::
So ha!
:jawa :jaw2: :jedijawa:
:fett: :charric: :jedijawa: :jaw2: :jawa and wins with ease with his rocket pack and combat savvy, Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Ok...Thats it, Im not getting happy no more! I AM MAD WITH YOU BONTY HUNTERS! thinkin your so good...and great....while us Jawa's could be of use, but you people never even try..but them Stormies are worse, they are evil cones, upgraded from clonies, come on, whats so great about that?..We jawa's like to collect spare parts, we have all the way before episode 1 with our neato Sandcrawlers, why dont you go back where your from we are from a longer part of SW History! ::hears a sick Jawa women:: Maybe she will become our first, heh heh!
Whats a bonty hunter? dumbass. You couldnt fight for toffee to busy trying to shoot that gun of yours for ten minutes by that time it would be all over. The only good jawa is a dead jawa , the only use they have is to be tusken food because there not fussy. I bet your gonna say if it werent for you lot that luke wouldnt become a jedi and the first deathstar would still be here and the rebellion would be no more. Dont say you saved the galaxy cuz you didnt.
If we Jawa's had a droid army What would you do? Hujndredsd and hundreds of attacking R2's! mwhahaa! THen we'd runnnn all over your little ass and you'd die! HAHAHA!
sounds like theres a jamaican dude saying thats but its kinda funny