It was just two months ago when my other Grandfather died, now both of them have gone home. I guess it's not as bad this time because we new it was coming and he couldn't enjoy life anymore. My dad's not showing it but I think he's having a really hard time. He had to sit with him for the last five days while he died. It was a pretty bad situation. Please keep my family in your thoughts.
dang, 2 family members in one year. i kinda know how you feel. my great grandmother and my grandma on my mom's side of the family both died in a year too. it was harder on the second funeral though (my grandma on my mom's side) since she was only in her 60s, she had diabetes (not sure if i spelled that right). and my old dog that died about 3 years ago, that was really hard for me since i had that dog since i was 3.
Yeah... I also suffered quite a few losses over the last years... so I know how you feel as well...
good luck Rhett.
This is the third this year. :(
My dad went through the same thing with his brother, sorry for your loss.
my father's father died before i was born, and the doctores think my grandfather has caner in his lung, because they found a dark spot on it.
you'll be in our prayers.
My condolences Boba_Rhett.
Mine as well.
I'm sorry man. If you need to talk, we're here for ya.