In the update profile page is some stuff about "private messages". Does anyone know what this is and how to do it?
You can now send people private messages. Try it out.
the original purpose was so that Garindan can nag Boba Rhett on and the other way around, but they haven't discovered that yet so they keep doing it on the public forums :D j/k
actually it is so that you can send someone a message without letting everyone and their hamster know about it :)
Cool. I gotta tell starman about that when he figures out how to get here again :d.
Originally posted by Uutont Fжr Uulion:
<STRONG> it is so that you can send someone a message without letting everyone and their hamster know about it</STRONG>
So, basically, it's like Email, but with more hassle.
Progress. :rolleyes:
yeah, but with this you 'always' get an error message instead of just every 81st time like normal e-mail.
I've only gotten it to work twice