No, I'm not quitting the scene heh (sorry guys).
I just want to let you all know that I'm going on a short vacation. I'll be back on the 19th sometime late, most likely.
So if you have any news, links, etc, you can send 'em but I won't be able to read them until then. So any urgent stuff should go to ZeroXcape, ChrisC3Po, Aristotle, or one of the other staffers.
I would also like to bid a sweet adieu, to our old home ...
So I'll see you all when I get back. Don't flame each other too much, as I'm entrusting my Banning Gun (tm) to the other mods and admins, in case anybody goes ballistic on here. ; )
I hope to see lots of good news from LEC and fun stuff going on here when I get back!