I reinstalled it and everything, but when I right click, I can't use it to insert entities anymore. How do I fix it? Thanks.
You might have to look inside your StarWarsMP.qe4 and check the entity path. It should look like this:
"entitypath" "__QERPATH\mp_entities.def"
Make sure in your "Project Settings" the entity path looks like this:
C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~1\GameData\Tools\\mp_e ntities.def
See if that helps...
Already did that, but my right click won't do anything in the blueprints area. Nothing...
That sucks. The mouse isn't broken is it? lol.
Wait! Just thought of something. Go to "Edit" | "Preferences" and make sure the "Right Click To Drop Entities" is checked!
Ahhh, that was it! Thanks man!