I made a map...a seed map, disabled some buildings, but that's not the problem...the problem IS they give me the WRONG units...I want to be the trade federation and have a TRADE FEDERATION SCOUT not the Empire scout!!!!
I also want the enemy to be CHOOSEABLE and use their OWN units....
What am I supposed to do to get it to work like the standard games where everyone has their OWN units???!!?!??
U obviosly got a glitched version.:p
it ain't the editor, it is you :D Go to the players tab, and select your civ.
fine...i'll just edit it everytime i want a new enemy civ. :rolleyes:
edit: hehe thanks for not throwing it in scenario editing forum.
The same thing happens to me whenever I try to create a scenario :confused:
Well have you tried saying what Race FIRST then Generating the map?
yes...it worked. but the point is:
when I choose a race/civ on the options (not testing it) i end getting the wrong stuff, so i have to leave it at the set civs...
Yes...the obvious reason is because they if you had any side-specific units (like Heros, or UU) then what would they change them to?
To complex to do. (unless you modded it, but still)
ah. man i hope they put a mode in cc for ability to disable buildings....i like to have all-out trooper wars...
They really need to fix the scenario editor up a bit. I hate it. It's so much easier to us the SC one.