Hello all, after playing Ladder for hours on end ( using NPC spawn for further fun) I decided to give JO map making a go. While it does take a bit i=of time to get used to when coming from JED, it is quite fun. Anyways, the reason for this annoyance on this board is to get some ideas on what to do with my "first" SP level.
It is completely devoid of enemies, i just use the NPC spawn to have fun.
I appreciate any comments, suggestions regarding this level.
Below is a listing of which NPC's I spawn into the level (just in case... You never know, someone out there might want to know...)
npc spawn reborn
npc spawn rebornfencer
npc spawn tavion
npc spawn desann
npc spawn rebornacrobat
npc spawn stormtrooper
npc spawn jedi
npc spawn jedi2
npc spawn jeditrainer
npc spawn luke
npc spawn jediF
Once again, any comments, etc, feel free to either post them here or email them to danieldrob@hotmail.com
Thankyou in advance and goodnight.
Oh yeah, not sure if the pk3 file will work, should do, but if not, let me know what i'm missing form it pls.
Edit: The file seems to download ok for me, post your email and i'll send it to yous